World Health Organisation

Died Suddenly

Have you noticed the untimely deaths of people around you? I have, ever since the winter months of June and July 2021 when the Covid vaccine roll-out was in full swing. Since then the all-cause death rate has gone up in all affected countries and some brave undertakers are speaking out about what they’re seeing in the clogged veins and arteries of the dead.

Stew Peters released this excellent documentary for free. I recommend watching it. It’s too late to warn people against the so-called vaccine but it may be enough of an eye opener to stop them from taking the booster shots.


NZ Funeral Director Speaks Out

Our funeral directors aren’t the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff – it’s too late for that – but they are there to pick up the pieces and be our eyes and ears regarding Covid vaccine-related deaths.

Someone has to be brave enough to do it because of the censorship in the media. Last week Brenton Faithfull, a funeral director and Justice of the Peace, courageously spoke out.

Brenton Faithfull, Funeral Director, Speaks to Dr Matt Shelton About What He is Seeing

What concerns me just as much as the deaths of vaccinated people is the media’s response. Instead of investigating, Stuff media went on the attack!

JP and undertaker shares anti-government and vaccine conspiracy theories

Whistleblowing Kiwi Funeral Director Brenton Faithfull

This is criminal but it’s the dismal state of affairs in New Zealand. I live for the day journalists like these are held accountable.

Meanwhile Brenton Faithfull is not the only funeral director to speak out.

In the UK there’s John O’Looney:

Funeral Director John O’Looney Update (25.7.2022)


And here’s a funeral director from Tasmania, Australia:

Australian Funeral Director Says That Business Is Up By Fifty Percent

If you hear of any others please let me know.

Deaths around the world

Watch: Excess Mortality in New Zealand

Suddenly Dead Kiwis – Please Explain

New Zealand excess mortality compared to COVID-19 deaths

COVID-19 Boosters and Rising Excess Mortality in New Zealand

Deaths in NZ

It’s worldwide.


New Scientist avoids the elephant in the room:

There are thousands more UK deaths than usual and we don’t know why

Since April, there have been 22,500 more deaths than expected in the UK. Health experts are concerned but unsure of the causes – which could include covid-19, population ageing and NHS problems

New Scientist

It wouldn’t have anything to do with a mass vaccination campaign would it?

The unexplained rise in excess deaths around the world

CDC data: Millennials experienced ‘a Vietnam War’ in 2nd half of 2021

Death Shot: The Media Is Having A Hard Time Covering Up The Growing Number Of Sudden Deaths And Reactions From The Vaxxed,

June 14, 2022, by Jacob M. Thompson, The Winepress.

Blood clots found in dead bodies

It pretty much has to be a novel injectable product, first used in 2021 that results in blood clots and is injected into well over 50 percent of the population. There is only one drug that fits that bill: the COVID vaccines,” he wrote on his Substack.

Since the vast majority of people survive the shots, the question of whether a vaccinated person dies or not is likely a combination of how well they “take up and replicate the mRNA, how dangerous the batch is, and other factors,” Kirsch wrote.

Source: The Ohio Star, Funeral Directors, Embalmers Alarmed by Unusual Blood Clots in Vaccinated Bodies

More embalmers report bizarre blood clots amid COVID vax campaign

Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs

12th October 2022

THREE Funeral Directors speak out

2nd February 2023

The numbers are in and they don’t lie.

NZ data reveals 5,286 excess deaths in 2022 (2,169 in 2021 & zero for 2020 in fact 160 less deaths overall that year)

Human 2.0, the Internet of Bodies and Your Body’s the Node

Did you know the goal is for your body to be networked and used as a node on the Internet? Sounds crazy, I know. How does that work? The technocrats have discovered that body fluids like blood carry electrical signals very well and they’ve designed so-called “body area networks” using Bluetooth technology to send signals on and around the body. Yes it’s a thing. The military have been using it for a while.

It’s called the Internet of Bodies, or IoB and the technology is designed to integrate with the Internet of Things, or IoT.

So, how does one connect a human body to an internet network? Subcutaneous devices injected under the skin, of course. Popescu, the author of this article, envisions self-assembling always-on graphene semiconductors which can be powered by the human body’s heat and electrical current.

From Human Body Digitization to Internet of Bodies toward a New Dimension of Military Operations,
Vasile Florin Popescu, Published Online: 23 Oct 2019

Subcutaneous devices injected under the skin? What does THAT remind you of?

But we’ll carry on.

BTLE, Bluetooth Low Energy

Have you heard of vaccinated people emitting numbers? It sounds crazy, just as crazy as vaccinated people turning metallic, which by the way happened to one of our friends.

I’m a computer technician by trade, with a relevant computer networking qualification. I can hook things up and I know how devices communicate with the internet. I understand IP numbers, MAC addresses. I can convert hex and binary numbers to decimal. That’s my gig.

I was interested in the type of network being used so I had a look at one of the videos where people were emitting these numbers, and noted the network protocol, BTLE.

So the Body Area Network is using a special kind of Bluetooth connection called BTLE – Bluetooth low energy. No doubt you are familiar with the term Bluetooth, you probably use Bluetooth technology for your devices. This type of Bluetooth is independent of classic Bluetooth and has no compatibility, so injected people cannot become Bluetooth pairable with other devices, but they are generating a MAC address. (See links for the technical explanation of a MAC address.) Both kinds of Bluetooth use 2.4 GHz and are intended for short-hop wireless communication.

Wireless nano-technology is not new, it’s been around for at least a decade. These self-assembling electronic nanocircuits, with real nanoscale components, such as nanorouters, and nanoantennas, formed of graphene, act as a signal repeater to form a nanonetwork within the person’s body. The packet routing system used for this was called CORONA (COordinate and ROuting System for NAnonetworks).

We all know the reason for the global vaccine push was the CORONA virus. What a coincidence!

Again we’ll move on.

If you have been injected, just pray that the batch of the serum you got stayed in the arm muscle without doing anything. But don’t let the agencies pusing the boosters talk you into doing it again.

Not everyone will be magnetic or emitting MAC addresses. Thanks to the work of researchers such as Craig Paardekooper (see my previous Blog post) who exposed the toxic batches, we know that

90% or more of the injuries, adverse events, side effects, disabilities, hospitalizations and deaths from the COVID fake-vaccine came from just 5% of the batches, and we can speculate that some but not all of the non-vaccines contain Bluetooth capable nanochips with MAC addresses.

The COVID Vaccine: More Evidence the vaccine is embedding MAC addresses.

But it’s scary to think how many people have been innocently and callously subjected to the nanotech and had their bodies changed without their knowledge or consent. And that’s at best. At worst, people were killed or permanantly disabled by the toxic batches of the Covid jab.

The links below are mainly scientific but I have included people conducting their own experiments.


MAC address

MAC is an acronym for ‘Media Access Control’ and it’s a standard networking term for a a six byte hexadecimal address. Hex is a 12-character alphanumeric code that consists of 6 groups of 2 characters, each group separated by a colon or dash.

See the video clip of a simple experiment in France in this article. The Bluetooth number that showed up was type BTLE. The BTLE numbers that the vaxxed may be generating are 12 numbers.


This article was from an obscure Romanian military journal, Land Forces Academy Review. In the Review’s October 2019 edition there is an article titled, “FROM HUMAN BODY DIGITIZATION TO INTERNET OF BODIES TOWARD A NEW DIMENSION OF MILITARY OPERATIONS” by Vasile Florin Popescu of the National Defense University of Romania. Though an obscure source, this brief report encapsulates the obvious trajectory for this technology perfectly. It should come as no surprise that from the earliest days of conceptualizing the Internet of Bodies that the military applications of such a concept were at the forefront.

From Human Body Digitization to Internet of Bodies toward a New Dimension of Military Operations, Vasile Florin Popescu, Published Online: 23 Oct 2019


Bluetooth connection, BTLE – Bluetooth low energy.
BTLE is a wireless personal area network technology aimed at novel applications in the healthcare, fitness, beacons, security, and home entertainment industries. It is independent of classic Bluetooth and has no compatibility, but Bluetooth Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate (BR/EDR) and LE can coexist.


Self-assembling Bluetooth capable nanochips and the link with vaccines.

What would the MAC address be used for? As an electronic ID, for digital certificates? “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” Gates said in 2020. Source: As Coronavirus Panic Spreads, Bill Gates Talks Up ‘Digital Certificates’ to Enforce Mandatory Vaccines

These electronic components are organized in Quantum Dots (GQDs) and Quantum Cells (QCA). Quantum Dots Deliver Vaccines and Invisibly Encode Vaccination History in Skin

See the section on Quantum-dot tattoos in my post Vaxed – vexing questions about the Coronavirus pandemic which I wrote in 2020.

Gates asked researchers at MIT to come up with an ID in 2019, see their article from December 2019 ‘Storing medical information below the skin’s surface.’

The digital vertificates are part of the UN Agenda 2030 plan for a Universal ID.


Video of scanning people’s Blutooth codes

Bluetooth Vaccine? Does the Injected COVID Non-Vaccine Connect With Devices?

Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses; What’s Causing This Phenomenon?


Dr. Chinda Brandolino on the nanoprocessors in the ‘vaccine.’ Source: Orwell City.
Mónica Calcedo: The chip. Is that real or a lie?
Dr. Chinda Brandolino: It’s a nanoprocessor. I say again that it is in plain view for those who want to see the micrographs of the electron microscope study made by Kalcker. It’s clearly seen, in the magnification, a small, perfect, quadrangular, precise-edged, metallic corpuscle, which is the same as any nanoprocessor in nanotechnology-responsive devices.
That nanoprocessor is driven from a 4G Plus or 5G antenna. That is, all G technology is the same. The difference lies in that the packet of information that an antenna can transmit is much larger in 4G Plus and 5G, 6G, and 7G.
That is, all that compact information is handled by a nanoprocessor —in a device—, which will be just inside our cells. By having Morgellons in the polyethylene glycol, they’re self-reproducing. That’s to say, it’s self-replicating. But because it’s in graphene… Graphene is a catalyst and, as I explained to you, makes that cell resonate with the 5G antenna and the microwaves of human thought. Can you understand that? There’s a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain.
But they are two different things: the microchip for the information and the nanoprocessor managed by the 5G antennas.

Orwell City, Dr. Chinda Brandolino on the nanoprocessors in the ‘vaccine’
August 27, 2021

The Transhuman Agenda

Weird COVID Vax Phenomena is Actually Expected if You Understand the Transhumanism Agenda

The New World Order (NWO) manipulators weren’t joking when they talked years ago of the Internet of Things (IoT) to work in conjunction with 5G; Bond-villain Klaus Schwab wasn’t joking when his World Economic Forum (WEF) talked recently of the Internet of Bodies (IoB). These Orwellian things are coming very rapidly into our reality, and we better pay attention. The Transhumanistic desire to turn all of us into Human 2.0 is happening right before our eyes and it’s high time to wake up to the agenda before it’s too late.

Grave concerns

How can I put this without it sounding sensationalist? It seems people’s bodies are still emitting the MAC addresses even when they’re dead and buried.

Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals as Dead Vaccinated Emit MAC Addresses From the Grave!

Related posts

Vaccines rolled out to NZ children when Medsafe’s data shows the safety and efficacy of the Covid Vaccine in children has not yet been established

What would happen if the NZ media stopped breathlessly regaling us with the daily case numbers for Covid, Delta and Omicron, did their job and actually reported on the daily harm and deaths from the Pfizer injection?

Here NZ media, I’ll do it for you. I’m doing what you should because NZ children are now being put in harms way. My facts are from the single source of truth.

“The year 2021 closed with the latest report on Adverse events following immunisation. As at the 31st December 2021, 314 serious side effects and 133 deaths were reported to CARM after the administration of the Comirnaty vaccine.”

Of the 133 deaths, seven were aged under 29 and 28 were aged under 59. The others were over 60.

The deaths were expected as Medsafe state that “all medicines can cause side effects.”

Medsafe obtained the expected numbers of deaths after the first dose from the University of Auckland.

The reports of serious side effects were filed by the patients, vaccinators, nurses, GP’s and pharmacists.

The next safety report (#40) will be published on 16 February 2022, for the period ending 31 January 2021. Meanwhile, the vaccination program for children aged 5 to 11 commenced on the 17th January despite Medsafe’s documentation stating the safety and efficacy of COMIRNATY in children aged less than 12 years of age has not yet been established.

End of report.

Jo Blogs standing in for absent NZ Media

In accordance with the government’s insistence on being “the single point of truth,” the numbers of dead and inured people come straight from the Medsafe website : Adverse events following immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines: Safety Report #39 – 31 December 2021

Here are the questions I would want asked of the NZ prime minister and health officials, if we had a working media;

  • Citing the NZ Government’s own figures, the 133 deaths from vaccine injury are now more than double the 52 deaths for Covid. How can this vaccination program and traffic light system be justified?
  • How can we trust the total number of 52 deaths from Covid when a man shot dead by the police in Auckland on November 5th 2021 was counted as a “Covid death?”
  • Why is the vaccine described to the NZ Public as “safe and effective” when, from the NZ government’s own documents, Medsafe expected fatalities from the vaccine?
  • Why is the Pfizer vaccine being rolled out to 5 to 11 year olds when, from the NZ government’s documents, the *Comirnarty Data Sheet linked to the Medsafe report clearly states the safety and efficacy of COMIRNATY (the Covid vaccine) in children aged less than 12 years of age have not yet been established?

*See page 4 of the Cominarty Data Sheet.


Total NZ deaths from Covid, according to Worldometer:

Daily New Deaths in New Zealand

Since March 2020 there have been 52 deaths from Covid. As at 31 December 2021 where there have now been 133 deaths from Adverse Effects Following Immunisation.

Why the NZ man shot by police was counted as a Covid death:

“The clinical criteria will continue to be guided by [World Health Organization] definition, which is basically to report any death where the person had an acute COVID-19 infection regardless of what the cause of death might be,” Bloomfield said about death reports in general.”

New Zealand man who died of gunshot wound to be recorded as COVID-19 death: Report

The TV One news reporter commenting on that death can be seen on this link. I’m surprised he kept a straight face.

The Safety report from the Medsafe website to 31 December 2021 : Adverse events following immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines: Safety Report #39 – 31 December 2021

The expected deaths from the Pfizer vaccine: The expected death rates following dose 1 were 25.81 young people for the under 30’s and 205.61 adults under 60. Data for expected death rates was obtained from the Adverse events of special interest (AESI) background rate (SAFE) study provided by the University of Auckland. 

Cited from the latest Medsafe Safety report for 31 December 2021 : “The national roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines commenced on 20 February 2021. The vaccine currently available in New Zealand is Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty). All medicines can cause side effects, the known side effects for Comirnaty are listed in the data sheet and consumer medicine information.”

Comirnarty Data Sheet: The version of the Comirnarty Data Sheet (Version: pfdcovii11121) appears to be dated the November 21st and supercedes a version (supersedes: pfdcovii10921) that appears to be dated 21st September 2021.

See page 4 of page 22, Paediatric use
The safety and efficacy of COMIRNATY in children aged less than 12 years of age have not
yet been established.


Babies: Medsafe’s report states, “the total of Adverse Effects Following Immunisation is different from the cumulative total above because it excludes 17 AEFI reports received for infants who did not receive the vaccine.”

Those 17 babies would have had injury reports filed after receiving the vaccine in their mothers milk.

Note: The Australian report on the COMIRNATY vaccine test results 25th Jan 2021, page 35 stated that there was no longer term safety data on use in pregnancy and while breast feeding.

Report: Australian Government Dept of Health and Aging
Therapeutic Goods Administration

Is Medsafe going to accept responsibility for the harm done to these babies?

News from the 17th January, 2021 that 1News did not investigate or report

The vaccinations for children aged 5 to 11 commenced on the 17th January. On that day, five children at the North Shore Events Centre are alleged to have collapsed following immunisation.

“Former TVNZ presenter Liz Gunn confronted a 1News reporter and her film crew outside a North Shore vaccination clinic today.

Gunn asked the reporter if she had heard that five children had collapsed earlier in the day and if she was going to report it. ‘How are you going to report that on 1News? Do you think that is part of what you’re supposed to do?’

‘I just can’t believe you guys are not reporting the full story. Why would you not be reporting five kids collapsing?’”



Liz Gunn outside the North Shore Events Centre:

Liz Gunn, news reporter interview

Are we going to tolerate this?


I’ve just finished an eBook called “Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy” by Iain Davis. I recommend it.

The book is available for free on this website.

The author states that the pseudopandemic was a psychological operation used to control billions through fear. A powerful group capitalised upon a respiratory disease, with a relatively low mortality rate, to create the illusion of a dangerous global pathogen.

He presents his evidence so we can identify those who had the means, motive and opportunity to commit the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity. The author wants us to consider the evidence and make up our own minds.

Meticulously researched, evidence is cited throughout the book. The author stated it was necessary to provide links to archived citations because many of the scientific articles and papers, news reports and qualified opinion pieces have already been censored.

This global pseudopandemic is no ordinary fraud. The scale is immense and the complicit number in millions. However, the vast majority involved in perpetuating the scam were innocent, they too were duped, just like the billions of victims around the world.

The author points out that contrary to popular belief, in order for a global conspiracy to work, there is no need for a large number of conspirators. In fact, if the conspiracy stands any chance of success, it is vital that only a few have any knowledge of it. The more people who know, the more likely it is to fail.

The threat level suggested by those running the psychological operation was a lie. It was a fraud designed to fool you into abandoning your inalienable rights and freedoms. The core conspirators objective was to enable the reset of the global economy, the world’s monetary system and its political and social structure, simply to further their own interests.

A society based upon human rights has no rights. Those who think human rights are expendable in emergencies are correct. They are expendable whenever. What they fail to grasp is that inalienable rights can never be extinguished. Throughout this book the consistent unspoken theme is the disregard for our human rights.

We are born with inalienable rights. We are born with the ability to understand the difference between right and wrong. Sociopaths and psychopaths are unable to distinguish between right and wrong because they lack natural human emotional responses. Their egos convince them that they are special and therefore they do not feel the need to observe others rights. For them, only that which serves their purpose has value. Inalienable rights are incomprehensible for the psychopath and the sociopath.

When these people collude their only goal is to serve their own collective interests and deny the rest of us our rights. Throughout our history generations of these abusers have caused untold chaos and human misery in pursuit of their ambitions. They are and always have been the most dangerous threat we have ever faced. Their actions are consistently wrong and, as sovereign human beings with inalienable rights, it is our duty to disarm any undue influence they may hold over anyone.

We have been deceived into imagining we have human rights and in doing so we have neglected our duty to defend humanity’s inalienable rights. Our irresponsible behaviour, apathy and credulity has brought us, most assuredly, to the brink of a global dictatorship.

Whether that malevolent plan succeeds or fails is up to us. If you seek a leader to take responsibility and to stand up against this tyranny then look in the mirror.

This is an important book and the author has allowed the ebook to be downloaded for free from the website

I recommend it for those who are dissatisfied with the government being the “sole source of truth” and want uncensored, well researched information that they can verify for themselves.

The Vaccine Death Report

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko successfully treated several presidents for COVID-19, and is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Together with world leading scientists, and a Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, he reveals how millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions are disabled for life, after being inoculated with the experimental covid injections. 

The book can be downloaded free here.

This is a much smaller book, if you’re pressed for time start with this one.

Lockdown Knockdown

My daughter and I were travelling down the Auckland motorway for my cancer treatment a few months ago when I spied some guys on an overhead bridge holding a sign saying “lockdowns don’t work.” They saw me wave and cheer as the car approached. I’ve never agreed with these constant lock downs.

We’ve been told through slogans and mantras that the reason for the lock downs is to “unite against Covid” and to “stay home, save lives.”

Is that really the reason?

Well not according to The European Commission.

We were to remain susceptible to infection so the roll-out of the planned mass immunisation programme could take place before we all had a chance to mount a natural immune response.

Here it is in their own words.

5. It would be possible to vaccinate on a large scale.

Once an mRNA vaccine has been approved, which could take 12-18 months, it should be easy to scale up production. Because the manufacturing process is shorter than for other vaccines – Prof. Bekeredjian-Ding estimates a few months rather than 1-2 years for conventional vaccines – there is potential for these vaccines to be scaled up quickly. This is useful in the context of coronavirus, which will likely need mass immunisation programmes.

‘I think we will need a very high population coverage, but it depends a little bit on the countries and the epidemiology,’ said Prof. Bekeredjian-Ding. ‘In the countries where coronavirus has been spreading very fast, we also expect that there’s many people who have been in contact with the virus and who have actually mounted a natural immune response. But on the other hand, if you look at Germany, for example, right now we’re all at home, barred, and not allowed to leave the house except for necessities.

The population therefore remains susceptible to infection, she says. ‘And so here, you would definitely need to think about vaccinating the whole population.

‘That’s why also these vaccines are of interest, because you could probably manage that, while, with other vaccines, it’s harder to produce these quantities (in a short period of time).’

EU Horizon, the EU Research & Innovation Magazine, Five things you need to know about: mRNA vaccines

Seven months after that article was written, The EU purchased 300 million doses of the vaccine as soon as it became available. Herd immunity would have ruined that vaccine market, their plans for Immunisation 2030 (IA2030) and their phase 3 mRNA trial mentioned in “4. There are a lot of unknowns,” where humans are the guinea pigs.

The cabal in charge of our governments didn’t want to keep us safe, they wanted to keep us susceptible.

The reason our governments are marketing and mandating these so-called vaccines is because they know they only have about two years before we all develop herd immunity.

The message is that we now need vaccines to develop this. That is why the World Health Organisation changed the definition of “herd immunity.” (See below)

If I’ve read this wrong please tell me. This is the 19th day of my fourth lockdown and I am angry. We’re locked up while our business is being affected and our human rights removed for a mass immunisation agenda. Please share this widely. Let me know if the link gets removed, I’ve downloaded the web page.


Dr Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding Member of the IMI Scientific Committee and head of Microbiology at Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, Langen, Germany. Five things you need to know about: mRNA vaccines

The EU announced it had purchased 300 million doses of the costly new vaccine on 9th November 2020 when the pharma giant Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech announced in a company press release that it had developed a vaccine for Covid19 that was “90%” effective. What’s Not Being Said About Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine

Herd Immunity: The definition of herd immunity was changed by the WHO sometime between June 9th and November 13th, 2020,

Wayback machine, WHO former definition of herd immunity

You can read the new WHO definition here. Herd immunity is altered so that it can now only be achieved through mass vaccination;

“To safely achieve herd immunity against COVID-19, a substantial proportion of a population would need to be vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population. One of the aims with working towards herd immunity is to keep vulnerable groups who cannot get vaccinated (e.g. due to health conditions like allergic reactions to the vaccine) safe and protected from the disease.”

WHO, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, antibodies and immunity

If this was true, how come the world got over the Spanish Flu in two years? It’s obvious that the unscientific, untrustworthy World Health Organisation has been corrupted by the vaccine cabal.

Now we can see why the Great Barrington Declaration, written on October 4, 2020 by three of the world’s preeminent epidemiologists and which advocated embracing the phenomenon of herd immunity as a way of protecting the vulnerable and minimizing harms to society, has been met with such venom.

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website

The Narrow Window

According to the World Economic Forum, COVID-19 is part of the four building blocks of the Great Reset. Is this a future we all want? Top down rule from an unelected elite?

The WEF is mostly known for its an annual meeting at the end of January in Davos. When you hear the Davos men say “build back better,” they’re using one of the slogans.

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world,” said Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. Prince Charles said this is “a golden opportunity.”

WEF, The Great Reset

Mandated mask wearing, vaccines and Covid passports will be part of it unless we all push back.

WEF, COVID-19: The 4 building blocks of the Great Reset

BBC News: What is the Great Reset – and how did it get hijacked by conspiracy theories?

The Approaching, Encroaching Digital Vaccine Passport

Do you think COVID-19 might stand for “Certificate of Vaccination ID 2019?”

You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but how can I be when the things I warned about are now here?

I’ve been following this since November 2019 when I sounded the alarm about ID2020, a digital ID that’s being planned for everyone. I never imagined the so-called Covid pandemic that would follow, even though the month before the globalists ran a simulation called Event 201 which practised for a Coronavirus outbreak in October 2019.

It was a brilliant move because they created a problem, which caused a reaction, and now they’re offering a solution. They even rehearsed for it in Event 201 without being challenged!

The other thing I never imagined was the bullying by our supposed leaders in Australia and NZ, plunging us into lock down after lock down and depriving us of our freedoms. If the vaccine was the answer, why the bullying, haranguing, propaganda, censorship, and silencing of our doctors? This video says it all.

Best video yet of the Australian Covid scam – get it out urgently

I’ve just heard on what passes for news tonight that The Ministry of Health is working on a digital vaccine passport – known as My Covid Record. It didn’t take them long. It will start off being something we can apply for to travel and then it will turn mandatory very fast.

We shouldn’t have an ID at all, but it will be foisted on us, “for our health.” When they do, never take the digital ID – demand it on paper instead.

Note, the globalists need the digital ID by 2030 and the WHO needs everyone immunised by 2030. This agenda was being worked on long before the arrival or manufacture of Covid-19. Their Global Vaccine Action Plan of 2012 was to expire in 2020, to be replaced with Immunisation Agenda 2030.

Here’s proof:

Copenhagen, Vaccine Industry Consultation -September 2019, “With GVAP coming to an end in 2020 new vision and strategy for vaccines and immunisation is needed …”

This is the trough the vaccine industry stakeholders have all been at. They’ve been working on this for years and it’s linked to 14 of 17 of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This presentation was created and circulated back on Aug 20th, 2019. Please let me know if they take it down because I’ve taken copies.

Their presentation is complete with Agenda 2030 slogans like “leaving no-one behind.” My father used to say the same thing when we were mustering sheep.


Exclusive: Govt working on digital vaccine passport

How far should compulsory proof of vaccination go — and what rights do New Zealanders have?

I was so concerned about this that I wrote two blog posts, one in November 2019 and the other in January 2020.

Berlin and the Fourth Reich

What’s this thing thing we’re all supposed to “unite against?” Is it really about our health? Do you see a global beast government getting on it’s feet as we all suffer under medical tyranny? We’ve been warned about it ahead of time in the Bible. I’ll show you.

Solomon said “there is nothing new under the sun,” so this dictatorship is probably going to be an old empire with new technology. The difference with this empire is that it has the power to force you to comply with it’s eventual religious demands or you won’t be able to buy and sell.

The World Economic Forum is now openly talking about the “great reset” and the “fourth industrial revolution” that they’ve engineered. So we’ve now got a new empire, along with it’s yellow-tape restrictions and slogans. It’s global, just as it was with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.

The fourth beast is described in the Books of Revelation and Daniel as coming out of “the Great Sea,” which is the Mediterranean in ancient Syrian texts, Phoenician epics and the Hebrew Bible.

The prophet Daniel describes the empires from the Mediterranean sequentially. The first three empires are like a lion (Babylon), a bear (Medo-Persian), and a leopard (Greece).

The fourth beast is described as “terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.”

The fourth beast is different, it will be a global technate ruled over by cities. Horns are leaders. The ten horns will have names of blasphemy, in that it will claim the attributes of deity, just as Caesar did. The antichrist will be one of the ten leaders.

Lion, Bear, Leopard or Leopard, Bear, Lion

The apostle John, who delivered the Book of Revelation, confirmed what Daniel saw – but he saw the entity as composite, and concurrent instead of sequential.

He wrote, “The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion.” Revelation 13:2

So the fourth beast is sequentially a fourth empire and it will be dictatorship with foundations from Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. Of the Greek gods, Zeus was the most important and highest “god.”

Satan is going to give this beast his power and his throne and great authority.

The beast with the feet like those of a bear is in Berlin. There could be more bears, but this one has come out of hibernation after World War 2 and it’s hungry.

The coat of arms of Berlin >

The Bible talks of principalities and powers. Berlin is a power base.

The Throne of Satan

Did you know that in 1899 Germany brought the ruins of the Altar of Zeus (Satan) to Berlin? The throne is still there on its museum island, but has been closed to the public since 2014 for “renovations.” Before being moved to Berlin, it occupied a mountain overlooking the Aegean / Mediterranean sea.

Pergamum was described by Jesus as being where Satan has his throne; “I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives.” Revelation 2:13

Has the power behind the throne influenced affairs in Germany?

Has it inspired world leaders? Hitler and Obama both modelled their stages on this throne. Obama has been back to the throne of Satan several times and Angela Merkel lives next to it.

This fourth beast is the empire about to be set up by the great reset and the fourth industrial revolution, where Klaus Schwab promised “you will own nothing but be happy.”

Unfortunately Klaus has not confined his aspirations to Germany.

Covid is not going away, these world leaders are using it to entrench their power base. There will be gene editing booster injections on a regular basis, driven from a data centre in Berlin. The police state will mandate these injections.

So be aware, I have warned you ahead of time. Here’s the article:

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Federal Republic of Germany will establish a new global hub for pandemic and epidemic intelligence, data, surveillance and analytics innovation. The Hub, based in Berlin and working with partners around the world, will lead innovations in data analytics across the largest network of global data to predict, prevent, detect prepare for and respond to pandemic and epidemic risks worldwide.

Source: WHO, Germany launch new global hub for pandemic and epidemic intelligence

I wonder what their AI and their models come up with next. I wrote about the fourth beast in my book “The End, the Wayfarer’s Guide to the Apocalypse” published in 2019.

The Fourth Kingdom

Klaus and his billionaire friends worship their technology, but despite all of that, this fourth kingdom is going to be inferior because the people will not remain united.

Nebuchadnezzar was shown the four empires as a composite figure with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron with feet partly of iron and partly of clay.

The prophet Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar, “After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others.

Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.” Daniel 2:39-43

The good news is this dictatorial empire will be destroyed by God. God intervened with Babylon and the Tower of Babel, and there will be another intervention. But first, this despotic final empire must arise before the return of the world’s rightful king.

In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people.

It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.

This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.”

The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.” Daniel 2:44


The Beast:

  • Daniel’s Dream of Four Beasts : Daniel 7

The Sea : Mediterranean Sea

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

The throne :

A few years later, the Nazi Party’s chief architect, Albert Speer, was commissioned by the new chancellor, Adolf Hitler, to design the parade grounds for the party rallies in Nuremberg. Speer turned to the Pergamon Altar for inspiration. Using the altar as a model, Speer created a colossal grandstand, known as the Zeppelin tribune. In the following years’ mass rallies, Hitler descended down the steps like a tribune in ancient Rome.

Most of the Nuremberg rallies were held at night. The grandstand was surrounded with 150 searchlights and the light columns extended for a mile in the sky, creating the mystical effect Hitler wanted. This effect was known as the “Cathedral of Light.” Inside the rally grounds, thousands of Nazi Party members marched in torchlight parades. From the altar’s podium, Hitler mesmerized the crowds as they swore a “holy oath” to Germany.

  • Obama, In 2008 Barack Obama had a replica of ‘Satan’s Throne’ built in Denver as a candidate for President. A person, relatively unknown to the world, would then go on to become ruler of the most powerful nation on earth!

Obama God! Democrats build a temple for Barack

Angela Merkel’s apartment is across from the Pergamon Museum.

“An investigation is under way after it emerged a museum’s security camera was used to spy on the private Berlin flat of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. German newspaper Bild am Sonntag first reported the camera had been turned towards the flat, opposite the renowned Pergamon Museum of antiquities. The camera on the museum’s roof is supposed to ensure its artefacts from ancient Rome and Troy are safe. But bored security guards used it to peek into Chancellor Merkel’s flat.”

Germans probe Merkel spy camera

The new global hub :

Jesus’ word to Pergamum : To the Church in Pergamum : Revelation 2:12-17

The Seat of Satan: Ancient Pergamum –

Klaus Schwab #FourthIndustrialRevolution – Talking about gene editing. “The difference with this fourth industrial revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing – it changes YOU, if you take genetic editing just as an example …

The mRNA Covid jab is just the start of the gene editing.

Remember, this is all being driven from Berlin.

World Economic Forum Presents: The Great Reset—”You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”

The inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology speaks out

People think the Covid jab is a “vaccine” because that’s what it’s called. But it’s not a vaccine, it’s novel gene editing, which has never been done before. We’re told the mRNA vaccine instructs the cells to make a spike protein, which is supposed to stay in the arm muscle, or at most travel to a lymph node before the immune system takes care of it.

But the spike protein is not staying in the arm muscle. It’s causing things like blood clots, abnormal bleeding in periods, and myocarditis.

We’re not hearing the warnings as the experts are being censored.

Here’s Dr Robert Malone, the world’s foremost expert on the mRNA Vaccine Technology. I recommend listening to him.

The Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology: Dr Robert Malone.

Other experts are also speaking out.

Thai-German virologist Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi expresses deep concern about the vaccination development.

Perspectives on the Pandemic | “Blood Clots and Beyond” | Episode 15

Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology, having studied at the universities of Bonn, Giesen, Mainz, and Copenhagen.

He also studied at the Max Planck Institute Of Immunobiology And Epigenetics in Freiburg, and is a professor emeritus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and from 1991 to 2012 was head of the Institute Of Medical Microbiology And Hygiene.

Professor Bhakdi wrote an open letter to German chancellor, Angela Merkel, in which he outlined the facts being ignored by the establishment and Branch Covidians. He also co-wrote a letter to the European Medicines Agency with professor Martin Haditsch and Dr Mike Yeadon.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former CEO of Pfizer, has been one of the most outstanding, educative voices throughout this whole non-pandemic.

Here is is being interviewed by Del Bigtree.


And finally, here’s how Dr. Byram Bridle (who is a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario) summed it up:

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now… We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” (“Vaccine scientist: ‘We’ve made a big mistake”, Conservative Woman)

Algora Blog, The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”

Safe and effective” is the mantra we’re told over and over about the Covid vaccine. Is it? This is what we must decide for ourselves. Would you take it after listening to these experts, knowing the WHO’s vaccine agenda for everyone on the planet is integrated with the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030?


In August 2020, the Seventy-Third World Health Assembly endorsed the Immunization Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind (IA2030)in resolution WHA73/(9). This agenda had been developed in accordance with Agenda 2030 goals. Immunisation is critical to SDG3 – to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. IA2030 will also contribute—either directly or indirectly—to 13 of the other SDGs.

Immunization Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind


Prof Sucharit Bhakdi on COVID-19 Facts and Lies

Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi: ‘Healthy People Aren’t Dangerous’ but the Vaccine IS (Video)

WARNING: Renowned Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi Warns Against Hastily Created Gene-Altering Coronavirus Vaccine (video)

An Interview with Dr Mike Yeadon: “Vaccine Passports are a gateway to mass killing, in the billions

2020 vision? Green tape, yellow tape, and unanswered questions.

Happy New Year. I’ve attached a media clip, it’s a rough home movie I made of the year that’s been. It starts with a summer evening which should have been sunny, but instead we were bathed in an evil, yellow light from the hellish infernos raging across the Tasman. It seemed an evil harbinger and you’ll see I’m ill at ease, fearing for Australia.

2020, the year that’s been

Of course the fires were blamed on climate change but they’re a natural part of the Australian bush cycle. The difference with these fires was the deliberate mismanagement of the forests under Agenda 2030 – which has become part of state and federal policy. As part of Sustainable Development Goal 15, the UN Climate Change lobby wanted Australia to keep biomass in the ground in the name of “reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

Biomass is the undergrowth – the stem, stump, branches, bark, seeds and foliage of the trees. We learned that there’s two ways carbon leaves a forest – it’s either thinned out, or it burns out. The bureaucrats in charge must have known this and that the undergrowth was highly combustible. It hurt to see Agenda 2030 put into federal, state and local laws, preventing firefighters and local authorities from managing their own forests. This centralised bureaucratic management of the environment is called ‘green tape.’

Yellow tape

Next came ‘yellow tape.’ In November 2019 and January 2020, I warned of ID2020, a universal biometric ID being planned by Bill Gates and the UN, and its connection to vaccines as part of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 16.

On October 18th, the 2019 Military World Games held its opening ceremony in Wuhan. Nearly 10,000 military personnel from 110 countries were all in Wuhan China at the same time. Meanwhile, on the same day in New York, Event 201 was held in at the John Hopkins Center by Bill and Melinda Gates, and the World Economic Forum. Event 201 was a coronavirus pandemic simulation. 

Two months later, COVID emerged – with it’s lock downs, masks, covid tests, tracer apps, social distancing, yellow tape and fear. I was surprised at the speed it was broadcast and implemented.

Stopping at my daughter’s place after making a small purchase at a panicked supermarket on the eve of lock down, I expressed my doubts about the whole thing. My daughter and son-in-law believed I was not taking the ‘threat’ seriously. They know I blog and believed I was being a ‘conspiracy theorist.’ My son-in-law said I should trust the World Health Organisation. But should we when Bill Gates is its second biggest donor?

Later I learned the WHO is not about health. It’s about pushing vaccines. In 2009 the WHO redefined what a pandemic was and governments signed “sleeping contracts” with the global pharmaceutical companies, that these big companies would be called upon to supply flu vaccines in the event of a global pandemic, and be paid billions of dollars for doing so. It’s a huge moral risk – there’s no downside because the taxpayer picks up the tab for the vaccine injuries. The media won’t tell you, but look up what happened with the H1N1 debacle with a vaccine called ‘Pandremix’ in 2009.

I’ve been asked why the media haven’t informed us about that. I wish I could answer that question. Obviously we’re no longer being served by the media, making it necessary for people like me blog, ask questions and share information.

Black Lives Matter

Finally, there was the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis cops. The howls for justice were immediate – but it wasn’t the first death at the hands of police from that area. Three years ago in 2017, an innocent white woman died at the hands of a black cop when Australian Justin Damond was shot by a Somali officer, a diversity hire. The reaction to the news was muted and it took too long for her to get justice. No one wanted to explain why the Somali was hired or given a gun.

Why the difference in the way their deaths were treated? Was the cop who murdered her held to a different standard because of his culture, religion or skin colour? It disturbed me three years ago and it disturbed me even more after the sad death of George Floyd. Why did people care about the sad death of a known criminal, but not her? Was it because she was white? I still don’t have any answers.

I can’t believe that as soon as the first lockdown ended, foolish people in Auckland and Wellington joined protest crowds organised by Guled Mire, another Somali. Not only did they put themselves and their families at risk from the so-called pandemic, they were making America’s problems our problem. Why weren’t they protesting about real issues, like homelessness? I believe that people putting any colour word in front of the statement “lives matter” are racists.

Will 2021 be better? I hope so, but I don’t hold out a lot of hope while the powerful gang of oligarchs carry out the opaque and criminal plans they’ve made at Davos. They will be busy taking our money and transitioning our currencies to a global, digital currency with a digital ID.

The digital ID has been planned under ID2020 and it will be linked to a vaccine record. The digital currency will be in the form of energy credits, based on the notions of pollution, energy use or scarcity. The digital wallet money will expire like cell phone credits.

In the future you can expect to hear the terms “universal income,” “well-being,” and “universal healthcare.”

Meanwhile, the media and our governments will continue to frighten us with climate change and pandemics. My advice is not to be frightened but exercise discernment and ask questions.

I wish you all the best for the year. I am battling a major health issue – it’s cliche but it manifested itself in 2020 – but I will blog when I can.
