
me-with-wigThe first sentences I remember reading at the age of six were “Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight.  Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning.” 

I do actually have a shepherd’s staff, left over from my childhood on a farm, and the Lord is my Shepherd.

I’m a fourth generation kiwi of British and German descent, and I live in New Zealand.  I am a Christian.  I’m not religious – I do my best to observe only two rules; love God and love my neighbour.

I work as a self employed IT analyst.  When I’m not fixing stuff I like to write.  My aim is to step into the breach left by what the media isn’t reporting.

Do you believe in man-made climate change?  I’ve left notes on an important film called “The Great Global Warming Swindle” on the menu under ‘Climate Change, Scientific Opinion.’  I recommend watching the film or at least reading the notes.

Since Covid burst in on the scene in 2020, are you overwhelmed by the conflicting messages?  The so-called vaccine is not approved and is experimental.  The testing does not finish until 2023.  There’s a Covid Facts page for links to websites with peer reviewed articles by the experts which I hope you find useful.  You can make up your own mind but my household has given it a wide berth and we’re not sick like vaccinated others.

Did you know the WHO have an immunisation agenda which integrates with the UN’s Agenda 2030?  It is no longer a conspiracy.  I recommend you educate yourself on its goals as it drives both the global climate change agenda and vaccine agenda. This page is probably the most important page to start from, as it integrates with my blog posts on the effects of the sustainable development goals on our societies. Agenda 2030.

I read the Bible, keep up with the news, and understand the times we are living in.  All posts will be served up sprinkled with salt.

If you want to know more about God in these dark and interesting times, I have made a page called:  God and Man.

I notice signs so will be blogging about those when I see them.  I offer my gift of discernment and observation of signs to you, hoping it will help wake the flock up.

My book “The End, the Wayfarer’s Guide to the Apocalypse” is a journey through the Book of Revelation.  My aim is to get those interested to consider a different narrative than that offered by the covid and climate change doomsayers.  I know the Bible well and invite you to study these times from a Biblical perspective.

Thanks for stopping by.  Feel free to contact me, I’d love to hear your view and opinions.

Conspiracy sheep


    1. Hi Tim,
      Thanks so much for visiting the blog and your comments. I really appreciate it. I wondered if it was being read, so your feedback has really encouraged me. God bless you too.

  1. Looks excellent Jo. We are of like mind. Thank you. I can’t comment on your posts, no option to tho you’ve asked for comments … am I missing something? : )

    1. Hi Everdien 🙂
      Thanks for visiting my blog. I’ve just done a post on the earthquakes. Would be interested in your take on it.
      Hope you are having a good weekend.
      Love Jo

  2. I would love to discuss CERN with you. I have been researching for some years now and your blog and IT background let’s me believe you may be just the one I need to help work out the questions I have that the physicists either don’t have a clue or won’t provide the information.
    I have a fb group called Cern Discussion
    and you can please in box me any time.

    1. Hi Jennifer, Thanks for inviting me onto the Facebook group. I’m a bit leery about discussing Cern on Facebook. Also I’m a Christian, so anything I share will be from that perspective. I’m happy to begin by staying in touch through the blog or email.
      I became aware of Cern in the early morning of Feb 2015 and since then have been keeping a weather eye on it.
      Another thing I’ve been keeping an eye on is SKA – the Square Kilometre Array. It’s a ten nation confederation (NZ is included) using telescopes for big data – and big data is needed for AI. Cern and SKA came together and agreed to cooperate in July this year. Are they building a new internet?
      What is your blog or email address?
      Looking forward to hearing from you, Jo

    2. How have I come onto your radar? CERN is a contentious subject

      On Tue, 28 Nov 2017, 16:33 Red Sky in the morning, wrote:

      > Jennifer Lopez commented: “I would love to discuss CERN with you. I have > been researching for some years now and your blog and IT background let’s > me believe you may be just the one I need to help work out the questions I > have that the physicists either don’t have a clue or won’t ” >

  3. Hi.
    I like what you’re doing. There are many of us out there that see twhats happening. Could I repost some of your reports.
    Warm regards

    1. Hi Carl, sure you can, and thanks for visiting my blog. I haven’t been posting lately as I’ve been working on my second book, which I finished today. I will be getting back to the Blog while the book is being proof read. Especially seeing people are reading my posts. Where are you located?
      Kind regards, Jo

    1. On my gosh, that’s horrible. I hate it when little children are hurt. All I can comfort myself with is Jesus’ promise that He’ll get justice for the little ones.

  4. all those who love this website would also love my boo Pandemic Blunder:
    A huge amount of data and information not covered by mainstream media are in Pandemic Blunder that tells the story of how over 500,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 unnecessarily because the government has blocked early home/outpatient treatment and prevention. With over 600,000 COVID American deaths, learning about safe and effective treatment is more important than ever.
    About the Book:Pandemic Blunder contains considerable medical information and data to support a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols that knock out the coronavirus when given early. Read about the pioneering, courageous doctors who have been using innovative approaches to prevent their COVID patients from needing hospital care and facing death. The book includes many expert opinions and Real World Evidence from doctors that show 70 to 80 percent of COVID deaths could have been prevented—and still can be. Don’t be victimized by disinformation and propaganda. Learn how corrupt forces are aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines, and how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have—and should have—been prevented! Detailed information is given to help people protect their lives by using simple prevention protocols, an alternative to vaccines.

    Independent review: http://www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0621/pandemicblunder.html

      1. I can order it direct for you. It’s $30. If you’d like me to go ahead with that please send your name and address to my Contact form under ‘About’ on the menu and I’ll keep an eye out for the email.



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