Died Suddenly

Have you noticed the untimely deaths of people around you? I have, ever since the winter months of June and July 2021 when the Covid vaccine roll-out was in full swing. Since then the all-cause death rate has gone up in all affected countries and some brave undertakers are speaking out about what they’re seeing in the clogged veins and arteries of the dead.

Stew Peters released this excellent documentary for free. I recommend watching it. It’s too late to warn people against the so-called vaccine but it may be enough of an eye opener to stop them from taking the booster shots.



    1. I do too Tim. Stew Peters has done an excellent job bringing all the death and injury to light, from a depopulation agenda that the mainstream media are too gutless and greedy to investigate.
      He is a brave man.

    1. Thanks Pam … I’m glad Stew Peters produced it free for the world to see. Imagine if that was put on TV! It’s damning for the governments, media and vaccine manufacturers.

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