Ancient gods

You can’t teach an old ‘god’ new tricks

grammys-satanic-ritualsWhile watching NZ artist and home-grown girl Lorde sing at the last Grammy Awards, I saw Katy Perry perform witchcraft on stage. It reminded me of the occult symbolism in the opening and closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.  

Why are we getting all this occult stuff?  It seems the old gods are back.  None of it is new, including “Allah”.

The wise King Solomon said there was nothing new under the sun.

Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; 
and God will call the past to account. Ecclesiastes 3:5
Ur of Chaldees, symbol of Babylonian sun god Shamash within crescent of moon goddess Nanna.

Ur of Chaldees, symbol of Babylonian sun god Shamash within crescent of moon goddess Nanna

How are the old gods relevant now?

Let us have a look at these old gods.   We’ll go back to Ur of the Chaldees, where Abraham lived in the middle bronze age period (somewhere between 2100 BC and 1900 BC).  At that time the chief triad of Gods was Sin or Nanna and his children Utu and Inanna/Ishtar.

Moon god: Sin / Nanna. Sin rode on a winged bull, and his symbols were the crescent and tripod.
Sun god: Utu / Shamash. Known as the "all-seeing".
Inaana / Ishtar (also known as Semiramis, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Isis and Europa).

Ishtar / Isis

The gods names and roles changed with the empires.  In Phoenicia and Rome, it was (or is) Europa who rides the bull.

As a defender of justice, “Utu” the sun-god also had a warrior aspect.  In New Zealand the word “utu” is a Maori word for justice and revenge.

Sinai gets it’s name from Sin, the moon-god.

These gods are rising again, in a Luciferian kingdom.  It’s right at our door.  This kingdom was there before the flood of Noah, and after the flood it had a come back in the time of Nimrod and the tower of Babel.  Jesus said prior to His return it would be like the days of Noah.

The Beast up out of the sea

poseidon-1576510The Bible records the end time vision of the Apostle John in Revelation, where he saw a beast with seven heads and ten horns rise up out of the sea;
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.  Revelation 13:1

The legend of Atlantis tells us there were seven islands in the Atlantic with ten rulers.  One island of enormous size was sacred to Poseidon. Source: from Proclus’ commentary on the Timaeus.

Everything we know about Atlantis which sank under the waves is from The Republic by Plato.  Atlantis was wiped out in a single day, just like Mystery Babylon in Revelation will be wiped out in a single hour.  Read Revelation 18.

Poseidon wields a trident, as does Shiva – who also wears the crescent moon symbol.  Poseidon’s main domain is the ocean, and he is called the “God of the Sea”. Additionally, he is referred to as “Earth-Shaker” due to his role in causing earthquakes and tsunamis.  The Andaman tsunami wave in 2004 had the shape of the word “Allah”.  The only surviving buildings were the mosques.Allah wave

This Kingdom is called “Mystery Babylon”.  It is a mystery, but it’s becoming clearer in our time.

The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in London showed us the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Phoenix was an ancient ruler of Tyre.  Here are some rulers of Tyre:

Agenor circa 1500 BC, Son of Poseidon
Phoenix     Phoenicia allegedly named after Phoenix, is present day present-day Syria and Lebanon
Hiram I     980 – 947 BC, Contemporary of David and Solomon and associated with Freemasonry.

Read Ezekial 28 in the Bible for God’s lament concerning the King of Tyre.

Widespread trade filled with violence

Lightning hits One World Trade Centre 23-5-14

Lightning hits One World Trade on 23rd May 14

First of all, God addresses the financial elite;
By your wisdom and understanding you have gained wealth for yourself and amassed gold and silver in your treasuries.
By your great skill in trading you have increased your wealth, and because of your wealth your heart has grown proud.”  Ezekial 28:4-5

Then he addresses Lucifer, the power behind them;
Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence,and you sinned …
By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
So I made a fire come out from you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching.”  Ezekial 28:16-18.

One of the symbols of the One World Trade Centre is the trident.!n=12

The woman who rides the beast

Isis / Europa is the woman who rides the beast that has ten heads and seven horns.   She was the daughter of Phoenician King Agenor, son of Poseidon.
She was dressed in purple and scarlet and was glittering with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. She was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

The beast she rides once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction.

The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.  The angel tells us that “this calls for a mind of wisdom”. (Revelation 17).

Allah is a moon godMost people think the prostitute is the Vatican, because Rome is built on seven hills, and they worship “Mary”.  It could be, but bear in mind the Vatican is not located on any of those hills.  I think Rome is part of it, but not ALL of it.  Right now it is Isis riding the beast, following Allah the moon-god.  The wilderness where she rides the beast translates to the word “desert”.

The prostitute calls herself “the Queen of Heaven”.  There is no Queen of Heaven, nor has there ever been.  It’s related to Isis / Astarte/ Ashtoreth.  Of course she parades a sanitised version of herself to the Roman Catholics as “Mary”.

In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit enthroned as queen.
I am not a widow; I will never mourn.’ Revelation 18:7

Could the seven hills she sits on also be seven mountains of culture?

Or Mecca, which also sits on seven hills?  Perhaps it’s all of those – Rome, Mecca and the culture?  It’s a mystery.

Don’t be deceived

In whatever form mystery Babylon takes it’s going to come with signs and wonders, so much so that even the elect could be deceived.  We have been warned in the Bible ahead of time.

When Jesus was asked about the end times he said Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.” Matthew 24:4.

After warning about a time of unparalleled distress for the world, Jesus said “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.   See, I have told you ahead of time.”  Matthew 24:24.

Lucifer can’t come up with anything new.  He imitates and counterfeits.  Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:13).  Because he can’t come up with a new story, he copied and corrupted everything.  After the flood he used Semiramis, wife of Nimrod to form a false religion aimed at supporting their rule. The religion she invented was based primarily upon the corruption of the story of the constellations.

I’ll leave you with this question.  Who do you think Lucifer is going to claim to be?