Doctors Testimonies

What’s being discovered on the road to Human 2.0

Do you know what’s being injected into us in the name of keeping us safe from Covid? I’ve got two videos for you to watch, for which I’ve done transcripts. This is mind boggling. I know you will probably have cognitive dissonance about this, but I urge you to watch the videos.

The first video is by Dr Matt Shelton, a NZ doctor who is trying to understand the inexplicable and raise awareness of nanotech in the vaccines. He spoke on parliament grounds on the 18th February 2022 regarding undeclared nanotech components found in COVID-19 Vaccines.

The second video is a talk by Dr. Andreas Noack, an Austrian chemist who was one of the foremost experts on graphene in the world. He explained what graphene does to the body. He died just after releasing the information.

Here’s the transcript of Dr Matt Shelton, which starts at 01:24.

… And doing their own testing to a high scientific level. Now, in some areas of science, this is ordinary technology. Now, I have seen it with my own eyes down a microscope, but as have others better qualified to me to understand what they’re looking at over the last several weeks. And that’s why I am here today. To tell the truth.

These images are available online at our site and plenty of others. And I want to particularly recommend a site called and, where a team of scientists who have been working here, not us, have uploaded all their work.

We’ve tried to alert Medsafe, government, even MPs directly five times in the last month to get them to pause and investigate. Silence … except a muted “we’ll get back to you” from their lawyers. A few paid government shills have said, “oh, it’s just dirt or dust,” or we’re easily scared because we don’t know what we’re looking at! Damn right we’re scared! Of what this technology is for and what might happen next. I’m not ready to be Human 2.0 and no one asked our permission!

And we’re scared of a government that’s lost the plot. We wrote on the 27 September last year (2021) to Medsafe and ministers to alert them as emerging findings from overseas of nanotechnology gadgets, largely made of graphene, a known poison for humans and in all the major brands tested. That word from Spain has now been confirmed elsewhere, including Germany, Austria, Argentina. And just last week, in a high level science report from the UK also with legally valid chain of custody proof. And you guys know what that means, that no fraud has occurred and the results are real.

We believe the government contract won’t allow it to do its own testing, nor to know exactly what’s in the shots, which is why this is now in the hands of New Zealand police, who have the evidence that we urged them to investigate, despite the massive cognitive dissonance that they must feel. Yes, we get it. We have had two years to try to understand the inexplicable and slowly come to terms with the scale of what it seems we are up against. The problem for all of us, if this is true, and especially for our friends in the police, is that this must be the biggest crime in history, surely? How to proceed?

Well, it would be a brave policeman or policeman who took the risk of dismissing this evidence as just too preposterous, with over two and a half billion people who’ve been vaccinated watching them and waiting for answers. But it would be an even braver one that says, yes, me and my staff believed what we were told and we did the right thing.

But now we see there may be a risk for public health. You see, protecting the public good is the most basic role of the police. It’s why many went into the police, to protect and serve. It is surely a very low bar to achieve. But if they do not meet that standard and investigate, what good are they doing? Why should we even bother with them? We would be on our own and need to start again from the ground up, but we know they are better than that. They are us.

I’m sorry to turn my back on an audience but actually we’ve all been turning our back on the most important audience so I’m going to turn around and address my audience. You must ask your senior Sergeant and your commander what investigations are happening and why the true threat to the public hasn’t been neutralized. We’ve been hearing all week here from injured people and from health workers saying they know what is really going on in the system and we’ve been hearing this elsewhere for months and months. So we will keep fighting for everyone here today, but especially for the jabbed, many of whom are still absolutely fine, of course, but many are absolutely not fine. And hundreds, including some children are no more.

Wake up! There are things to be scared of, just not what they have been telling us. So they need to get their arses down here, talk to us and we can all sort this out. Thank you.

Video, 8 minutes: Dr. Matt Shelton: Undeclared Nanotech Components Found in COVID-19 Vaccines, 18.02.22

Here’s the transcript of German chemist Dr Andreas Noack, posted by him November 23, 2021. He died four days after publishing his talk.

“You can make braking pads out of this. It is not biologically decomposable. These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades. These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades only one atom layer thick.

It is basically an acid. It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. So these razor blades spread homogeneously in the liquid. This is basically russian roulette. It cuts the blood vessels. The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth, like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what’s so dangerous.

If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithel.

The mean thing is the toxicological tests are done in petri dishes and there you will not find anything.

These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick. This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.

I am a specialist in activated carbon. In my doctoral thesis, I have converted graphene oxide to graphene hydroxide. I joined the world leading carbon manufacturer. After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products. We bought a small company new Newcastle, England. I was in charge of new carbon products Europe-wide. I was in application scouting.

If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything. Toxicologists do their tests in petri dishes. They can’t image there are structures that can cut up blood vessels. There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death on the inside. Especially the top atheletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do.

As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material, toxicologists are not aware of it yet. Suddenly it makes sense that the victim looks like this.

You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. These people had bad luck in russian roulette. Very likely, a vein was hit by a syringe.

The question you have to ask politicians and doctors, the question doctors should ask Phizer is: why are these razor blades in the vaccine? Now they want to force vaccinate children from the age of five.

The basis of medicine or pharmaceutics is chemistry. This doctor (Dr Szekeres, president of the Austrian medical board) has no idea about chemistry. Completely new structures unknown to nature are brought in (with the vaccines.)

Everyone is talking about the messenger RNA which has complex effects. The theory of mRNA is complex. But every chemist understands what this (graphene oxide) does. You see the mRNA story is possibly a diversion. I cannot imagine anyone will give me as a carbon specialist a proper explanation why these carbon razor blades are in the vaccine. This is war. They distract us with the messenger RNA. But people cannot collapse that quickly from that right after the injection. Something else is going on. And this effect should be studied.

He claims to be a specialist. Apparently the Austrian doctors don’t have a smarter guy than this one. He is a doctor who doesn’t understand chemistry, or he is a criminal, or he is a mass-murderer.

After the Spanish doctor’s study it is official that nanoscale graphene oxide is in the vaccine. So it is clear that razor blades are injected. So he is probably incompetent. If you want to inject a whole population by force, you have to do your homework extremely carefully. Because if there is something wrong with the injection, you will kill the whole population of a country.

Any doctor in Austria, after this information is now public, continues to inject this, is a murderer.

I am not some guy in the carbon field. I doctored in this area. I have a good idea of what the graphene oxide does. It is Russian roulette. Do you hit the vein or not? Does it stay in the muscle? Then it is less toxic. But if you hit a vein, and the batches contain different amounts of GHO, then you have to know you are cutting people up from the inside.

And it is a highly intelligent poison. Because a normal toxicologist who works with petri dishes, cannot find it because it doesn’t move. Toxicologists just don’t expect an nanoscale razors. As a chemist, I vouch for the fact that these are nanoscale razor blades. It stays in the body forever.

Even if people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the blood vessels little by little. It destroys the heart. All the heart attacks. All the strokes. As a doctor, you have to ask, where is this coming from? If you understand that razors are being injected, it is clear why all the cardiovascular diseases appear. The heart is cut up. The brain is cut up. Blood vessels are cut up.

The epithel cells are extremely smooth for a good reason, but become rough when cut up like this and things stick to it. By now every idiot can inject this. And when they hit a vein …

This material is declared “an experimental vaccine” for a reason. They don’t know what will happen. Every vaccinated subject has to sign they will take full responsibility. It will take 50 years before the contracts with Pfizer will be published. What is in these contracts? Why 50 years?

In Germany or Austria, there is no-one with my expertise. I wrote my thesis in this field. I know what I am talking about.

Sir Karl Popper explained the fundamentals of science. Hypothesis – refutation. Popper said it it better to kill theories than humans. The whole population is supposed to be injected. Exactly like Karl Popper said, if you continue to ride this murderous theory, you have to be extremely careful. They are the first to impose a vaccine mandate. They are killing the whole Austrian nation.

We had an Austrian once who brought death and suffering over Europe. I am appealing to you to share this video on all channels. I notice how little doctors know about chemistry. But they are doing chemistry in the body. In small children. In pregnant women. If you continue, I promise you, no court in the world will save you. You are ready to force-vaccinate the whole Austrian people with razor blades that are not biologically degradable.”

Translated Nov 25th 2021.


Nanotech found in Pfizer jab by New Zealand lab : Sue Grey and Dr Matt Shelton report findings to Parliament’s Health Select Committee. Recorded on 28th Jan 2022.

German whistleblower, Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED

Dr. Andreas Noack is one of the foremost experts on graphene in the world. He has studied data from Professor Pablo Campra from the University of Almeira. Dr. Campra used micro-raman spectroscopy to analyze the contents of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Noack reviewed Dr. Campra’s findings and found that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine contains graphene hydroxide.

Dr. Noack explains that the nanoparticles of graphene hydroxide act as kind-of razor blades slicing and dicing as they move through the body. Graphene hydroxide is not biodegradable. It remains circulating in the blood indefinitely. Dr. Noack explains that the heart and brain are organs that are particularly susceptible to damage from graphene hydroxide.

Dr. Noack opines that is why there has been a rash of young athletes dropping dead from heart attacks. The blood of the young athletes is efficiently coursing throughout the body causing unseen damage until they unexpectedly drop dead. Dr. Noack explains that doctors performing autopsies on victims of the vaccine are not going to find the graphene hydroxide because they are looking for something biological as the cause of death. Graphene hydroxide is not biological so it will not be visible in their tests.

Expert Reportedly Killed After He Publicly Revealed that Graphene Hydroxide is in COVID-19 Vaccines and Warned of Its Dangers.

Expert Reportedly Killed After He Publicly Revealed that Graphene Hydroxide is in COVID-19 Vaccines and Warned of Its Dangers

Life of the Blood, Nanotech in the shots

In a new interview for Palabras y Verdades, La Quinta Columna clarified the doubt about the percentage of graphene oxide in the vaccination vials. When they talked about it being present in 99% or almost 100%, they were referring specifically to what is obtained after analyzing the contents employing the spectroscopy technique:

Spectroscopy Analysis Reveals 99.5% Graphene Oxide In Moderna Vaccination Vial

Human 2.0 Is Coming Faster Than You Think. Will You Evolve With The Times?


How nanotechnology helps mRNA Covid-19 vaccines work

COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients

National Laboratory of medicine: Nano dimensions/adjuvants in COVID-19 vaccines

MIT Technology Review: Writing Circuits on Graphene – this was from 2010

Nanotech found in Pfizer jab! PROOF!

CoVid vaccines based on graphene, nanonetwork and Internet of Nanothings (IoNT)

Smith, Kira. (2022).

It is now practically established that the element graphene, a derivative of graphite and based on carbon, forming nanotubes (CNT) is present in sera, in addition to the presence of other materials derived from it, such as graphene oxide (GO). Graphene is a nanomaterial that possesses exceptional physical, thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic properties; it can be used as a superconductor, transducer, absorber of electromagnetic waves, emitter and receiver of signals. It has also been observed that by taking a vial of Pfizer vaccine and allowing the hydrogel to dry, after 3-4 days the presence of nanocircuits can be seen under the microscope: it is the graphene that reacts to electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic microwaves, self-assembles, according to DNA-based nanopatterns to mark the order of construction and electrophoresis/teslaphoresis to trigger the process in the solution materials (hydrogel) into electronic nanocircuits, with real nanoscale components, such as nanorouter, nanoantenna, etc. , formed of graphene, which acts as a signal repeater, since it is radio modulable, i.e. able to absorb electromagnetic waves and multiply their radiation; these electronic components are organized in Quantum Dots (GQDs) and Quantum Cells (QCA), particles that enjoy the above properties of graphene, exponentially greater, thanks to the Quantum Hall effect, especially in environments such as the human body. It will thus create an intracorporeal network or nanonetwork, which will detect every vital parameter, but also every slightest variation inside the body, thanks to the advanced and compressed electronics, superimposed on 3D. The collected signals would then be sent, through a gateway connected to the 5G network, in the Internet, to be stored in a huge cloud database and processed by software based on Machine Learning, exploiting the computing power of quantum computers.
The ultimate goal could be to store and eventually reproduce what we call “consciousness”, in perpetuity.

CoVid vaccines based on graphene, nanonetwork and Internet of Nanothings (IoNT) – Kira Smith

BRMI Bioregulatory Medicine Institute

The initial claim by the Spanish research team that GO exists in the Pfizer inoculation is certainly more than plausible given that 2020 Chinese Covid vaccine patents included graphene and that Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer consultant, also gives a credible description of its presence in the Pfizer product. Kingston gives the reason for GO’s inclusion to be its electric and magnetic properties. This is different from the Chinese vaccine patents that identified it as an adjuvant and delivery system. The general literature on GO identifies it as a viable delivery system for drug components. Therefore, it could also be assumed that Pfizer or Moderna included GO as an ingredient in their ‘proprietary mRNA formulations’ as one of its delivery components. For whatever purposes, any inclusion of graphene oxide in the Covid inoculations has questionable and potentially nefarious purposes. Should this be proven true, the bodies of those vaccinated will become superconductive, much like a cell phone.

Issues Surrounding Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer mRNA Covid 19 Formulation
Aug 31, 2021

James P.M. Odell, OMD, ND, L.Ac.


Scientists at Rice University discovered something while playing with Tesla coils and carbon nanotubes. They were able to get the carbon nanotubes to self-assemble when the carbon nanotubes were within range of a frequency being emitted by a Tesla coil.

They then figured out that they could use this phenomenon to create self-assembling circuits.

Human 2.0

The Road to Human 2.0

Nanotech in the Jab: 33 confirmed lots of Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine all catalogued in a database with Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen. Some dangerous and others relatively innocuous. The graphene may not be in every vial but the FDA have said they need 75 years to tell us all the details so maybe they are.

The Wuhan co-conspirator

Dr. Lieber is a genius-level scientist who specializes in exotic nanowire technology and how it interfaces with human neurology and biology. He has several patents, like patent 9252214: “Apparatus, method and computer program product providing radial addressing of nanowires.”

The “Apparatus” patent is particularly concerning because it entails a type of technology that can be quietly inserted into vaccines and used to turn humans into transhuman robots.

Once injected, nano-mesh lattices made up of the nanoscale wires from another of Lieber’s patents are said to have the potential to self-assemble into tiny computer systems that are capable of controlling human neurology.

Source: Wuhan co-conspirator Charles Lieber convicted of numerous crimes involving Wuhan, nanotechnology and the CCP

Dr Michael Yeadon, former chief scientist of Pfizer research division speaks out


With so many things competing for attention, videos 95 minutes long can get skipped. This is one that shouldn’t be. It’s one of the most important I’ve listened to. Del Bigtree interviewed Dr Michael Yeadon, and here’s what he had to say. I’ve transcribed the notes for your info.

Until 2011, Dr Michael Yeadon worked as the chief scientist and vice-president of Pfizer‘s allergy and respiratory research unit which focused on allergy and respiratory medical research. He founded the biotechnology company Ziarco which was sold to Novartis in 2017.

Here’s what he had to say:

“I want people not to be frightened of this virus. I’m afraid everything our government and scientific advisors have told us over the last 18 months are lies. All lies. They’re telling untruth deliberately and we call that lying. I think the objective is to make us receptive to the vaccines and lastly, where the hell is this all going? I think this is serious crimes going on.” He wants to see the government officials in the dock for mass murder.

He goes on to list the lies we’ve been told;

Lie no #1 Covid is dangerous

“How dangerous is this? The best epidemiologist in the world, John Ioannidis, has assessed this and said it’s a little bit worse than the average flu. But governments give us the impression that nothing has been as bad as this since the Spanish Flu – and this is simply not true.”

Lie no #2 There are no treatments

“They told us there’s no treatments. That is simply not true. It makes me angry that good treatments that are well evidenced have been hidden and sick people have been deprived of excellent, safe therapy in order to continue people’s fear.”

Lie no #3 False positives on PCR tests

“The PCR test: the people doing the testing are being sneaky, they’re not saying how many cycles they’re doing.” He believes there are bad actors on the PCR testing side that produce scare stories. He learned that when you get beyond 25 cycles it became more and more difficult to infect cells in a culture dish. (13:35)

Lie no #4 People without symptoms can pass it on to other people.

“The thing that really triggered me was when I was told that people without symptoms can be a respiratory viral threat to other people. Now I knew this wasn’t true. Remember this is my area. I’ve worked in pulmonary disease for 32 years in total. People without symptoms can’t pass it on to other people.”

They did a really big study where they followed lots of people who were PCR positive and they split them into two groups – PCR positive with symptoms and PCR positive without symptoms. They found the ones with symptoms infected another household member about 18% of the time. So it’s not as much as you think as there’s a lot of prior immunity in the population. People who were PCR positive who had no symptoms – less than 1%.

The reason we have to wear masks is the belief that the disease can be spread when we’re asymptomatic.

“I realised in about May last year (2020) that lock downs don’t and can’t work.” He’s heard people say “you must slow transmission.” He realised it’s a category error – it’s got nothing to do with lots of human contacts – it’s infectious contacts. If you’re not symptomatic, you can’t represent an infectious contact for somebody else.

It’s a disease of institutions. Places where you could catch it are hospitals and old folks homes. Lock downs could not work because it’s a disease of institutions.

So that’s the list of lies.

“And now I’m going to the next lie, which is the lie of 2021 : variants.

Lie no #5 Variants

We were told it’s novel virus, and because it’s novel, no-one will have any immunity. It frightened the world. In the first three weeks I worked out that was not true, because I looked on Gen Bank, I looked on Sequence, I realised it was something like 80% similar to SARS 2003 and maybe 60% similar to a common cold causing Coronavirus, and I thought ‘phew, we’re going to be okay.’ I figured there’d be a lot of people who’ve been exposed to one or another of those … immunology is my strongest suit and I knew lots of people would have prior immunity. If you overcome viruses you are left with very durable, strong immunity.”

If you sequence a virus and it’s slightly different from the original because it’s got some copying errors, it’s called a variant. That’s all it is. But there’s o much talk about it, people get the impression that it’s significantly different. If you find a variant that’s most different, it’s 0.3% different. In other words, 99.7% similar or more.

The immune system can recognise and deal with a virus that’s 60% different. It’s not possible that a variant can escape human immunity and the stories they’ve been telling you are lies and any studies scientists have put out about this are contrived. Theoretically and empirically it’s not possible. They’re not different enough to worry about.

A group of American immunologists found some people who’d been infected with one variant and asked them to donate cells, they did. They challenged those cells with every variant they had and sure enought, the T cells responded to every single variant that they had. Whoever these people are, they are national heroes.”

Here’s the experiment: Negligible impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on CD4+ and CD8+ T cell reactivity in COVID-19 exposed donors and vaccinees.

How gene based vaccines work:

Time 1.0.0: “These gene based vaccines work differently, it’s a multi-step thing like an Apollo rocket. First you inject the code, then the code has to get to a tissue, then it’s got to be taken up into the tissue, then it’s got to be copied from the mRNA into a spike protein, and then the spike protein has to be expressed by your cell or released from your cell, and get to the immune system. That’s four or five steps and because they have not measured them, every one of of those steps will be subject to what I call normal variation.

If you take 20,000 people, one person would have failure to have the vaccine taken up and very little of it expressed and in the wrong place and not really ticking your immune system very much. Now we put a person at the other end that got loads of the vaccine taken up in large quantities, expressed at high amounts, in the dangerous part of your body. Any I think that’s why some people are fine, and other people die or brain blood clots.

I would call it ‘tail risk cubed.’ Where does the vaccine taken go, where is it taken up, how strongly is it expressed? Every one of those is subject to variation – you imagine tail risk : the highest amount, the greatest expression, in the worst most vulnerable part of the body. I think that’s the explanation. and I think you carry on making vaccines using this design, you might be okay with the next one – just don’t express something that’s poisonous, but we’ll always have much greater variability, because you’ll have tail risk cubed.”

Polyethylene Glycol

Time 1.12.40: Polyethylene Glycol (also knows as ‘PEG’). One of the other things they pointed out in the petition, is that some of the vaccines are using a chemical called ‘Polyethylene Glycol.’ It’s quite a common chemical, used in make up and manufacturing. But what you don’t do generally is inject it into people. A small amount of it is present in the lipid nano-particles that surround the mRNA vaccine. It turns out quite a few people are allergic to PEG and the risk is if you inject it some people will have an anaphlactic shock and could die. There are thousands of people on the VAERS database who’ve had an anaphlaxis.

“It’s a brand new technology, anything could happen.”

“Why have we got ourselves into the position where they’ve vaccinated 75 % of the population in Britain with no long-term safety?” he asks. “What happens of something bad happens? People seem to lack the imagination that bad things do happen. Some of them we’ve predicted, and then they’ve come true. It makes you think, is someone trying to kill large numbers of people? And I’m afraid the only thing that ties every single one of the major observations is that whoever has organised the lies has as an objective ultimately to lead to large numbers of deaths. And I’ll add just a few sentences why that fits and nothing else.

The lies of the narrative

All the things I’ve described, I call them the lies of the narrative, we never would have used in 2018 or 2015. All of them have been invented all at once and then spread around the world in 2020. It’s not just my government in the UK or their advisors that got it wrong – it’s the same lies, at the same time, by every government. So you can start with the observation that by Feb / March 2020 there was already a plan to deceive you.

Then the public were told that they would need a vaccine passport on order to travel. When your government is giving you something that is a) stupid and b) illegal, you’ve got two choices; you can go along with it, or stand up and fight it. If I’ve been vaccinated and primed to destroy the virus, then who is it that has to show their vaccine passport? I am absolutely certain that no-one will benefit from vaccine passports. It’s appalling that the media haven’t asked themselves what is it about the passport system that can keep people safe? It’s a stupid idea. To suggest a vaccine passport is needed to go to a chosen university – that is illegal, that is coercion. You aren’t allowed to coerce people to take medical procedures, especially experimental ones, it’s explicitly prevented by the Nuremberg code. It’s illegal under international law. As a toxicologist and a drug discoverer, we knew it was wrong before they even approved it. We predicted three kinds of toxicity – all of which occurred.

Here’s what I’d say to people,

Don’t get vaccinated by these Covid-19 vaccines, I don’t think they’re safe enough.

In terms of vaccine passports – I cannot think of a battle that is more important in my entire 61 years than preventing this system coming into being. If we allow ourselves to be fooled that by carrying an app on our phones to cross a regulated threshold – what we’ll be bringing into being is the world’s first common format digital ID with an editable health flag and this whole system will be interoperable from anywhere in the world. There’s no limit to what you could be prevented from doing.

If that system goes into being; whoever operates that database and the algorithm has complete control over you. If your contact-less card doesn’t work then you’re prevented from that regulated threshold or transaction and there’s nothing you can do about it. This is what I think is possible, and it’s not a plot from a sci-fi novel, I think the whole point of the pandemic and the lies and the vaccines was to get to the electronic digital ID.

Once that system is up and running, and we’ve already been told about variants – which is a lie, you might have to have booster shots they said, and I know you don’t need booster shots – because they’re not vaccines. At least one of them, Moderna, said they were bottling a billion doses of booster shots – and when I heard that, I actually felt real fear, because I thought “there’s not a vaccine in there.” They’re already vaccinated. Immunologists will tell you they can’t be vaccines. So what are they?”

He is worried we’ll be texted to go and get our booster shots, and if we won’t then our vaccine passport will be deactivated. It could happen – and there’s already evidence that there are some very bad actors around. At the very least we’d be giving up control to a machine, a database – whoever operates it. What if what’s in those vaccines – the third, fourth, fifth one, is gene sequences designed to kill you? I don’t know, it’s not my crime – but if I wanted to set up a system where I could have complete control and with plausible deniability, administer something to billions of people that over months or years could kill them, I couldn’t think of a better plot than this one.

If people think I have completely lost my mind, then break the logic, tell me where I’ve misspoken. Otherwise you’re relying on, “people aren’t that evil.” I’m afraid there are evil people. Look at Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot … there are people everywhere over time who have been willing to kill other people to get their way. All I’m suggesting is that’s what’s happening now and the only difference is it’s technology rather than weapons and the only other difference is the internet has allowed it to involve pretty much every person on the planet. But other than that, it’s the same grubby, revolting people with criminal minds. There are bad people who want to do bad things, and they’ve invented a system that will allow that to happen. And even if you believe what the government’s told you, given what I’ve just described about the vaccine passports, for goodness sake make sure you do it on paper – don’t use a digital database.

I’m not a religious person, but I decided I was looking into the face of evil.

This plan did not take five minutes, and in order to put it into place, you have to do so many things that will result in avoidable deaths. Lots of people have signed off, for example to pretend that there are not safe and effective medicines. Once a man or woman is prepared to sign an order ir give a verbal order, they know it will result in the deaths of say, 20,000 people. I put it to you that you’ve already decided you are a mass-murderer and it doesn’t really matter whether there are five zeros, seven zeros or nine zeros.

We’ve been lied to about the severity of the virus – it’s not that bad. We’ve had hidden from us effective medicines. There are loads of things about the narrative that clearly aren’t true, like lock-downs and masks. The narrative of variants is also not true. So even if the vaccines so far are safe – you’re being misled, really to the Gates of hell by this variants story. People have had double jabs – they’ll expect a top up.

Here’s another test – is there a benign explanation for all this? So I might be wrong in the conclusion – it’s not my crime, but I’m not wrong that this is misleading and deliberate and it’s hurting people.

The good news is there’s not much to be frightened of virus wise – the thing to be terrified of is your government. People in England who don’t look at alternative news stories think that what they’ve been told is true.

I celebrate when people have taken their freedoms back.

Don’t be afraid of the virus – it’s pretty much gone, but be terrified of your government. You must take back your freedoms. They’re not going to give it back to you because they’ve not taken it from you legitimately. There was never any need to lock you down, they’ve made you wear masks that are frightening, they’ve told you wrong things about the severity of the virus, deprived you of effective medical treatment, and exposed you to dangerous vaccines.

The coup-de-grace will be a combination of vaccine passports and then the next step. Take your freedoms back tomorrow, peacefully, and it will all be over. If you don’t, I don’t know where it’s going to end, but not good.


Polyethylene glycol – The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine contains: a total lipid content of 1.93 mg (SM-102, polyethylene glycol [PEG] : Dangerous SM-102 in Moderna Vaccine Causes Cancer, Infertility and Other Health Issues

Booster shots: NZ in talks with Pfizer around potential booster shot

PCR Tests: Even Dr Anthony Fauci has publicly admitted that a cycle threshold over 35 is going to be detecting “dead nucleotides”, not a living virus. Despite all this, it is known that many labs around the world have been using PCR tests with CT values over 35, even into the low 40s. So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognise this simple reality?

The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore.

Notionally, the system has produced its miracle cure. So, after everyone has been vaccinated, all the PCR tests being done will be done “under the new WHO guidelines”, and running only 25-30 cycles instead of 35+. Lo and behold, the number of “positive cases” will plummet, and we’ll have confirmation that our miracle vaccine works.

Source: OffG, WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives. Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical.

Blood Clots and Beyond

Someone I knew personally from my small community died on the 23/6/21 after taking the Pfizer vaccine. I thought very highly of him. He was 35 and was to be married the following weekend. He needed to be vaccinated in order to work, even though we don’t have Covid in NZ. I am beyond upset and trying to understand what made the jab so dangerous.

Before this man’s death I’d listened to Thai-German virologist Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi. I’ve gone back to take notes, so if you don’t have time to listen to him here’s the information I’ve put under the video to read. It’s in his words.

Please heed the warnings.

Perspectives on the Pandemic | “Blood Clots and Beyond” | Episode 15

Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology, his bio is on my previous post.

Professor Bhakdi wrote an open letter to German chancellor, Angela Merkel, in which he outlined the facts being ignored by the establishment and Branch Covidians. He also co-wrote a letter to the European Medicines Agency with professor Martin Haditsch and Dr Mike Yeadon.

While waiting for a response, in the week of 1st March to 8th March 2020, reports came in from all of Europe of young people with clotting, with a series of deaths and this caused 15 countries to suspend their vaccination program with Astro-Zeneca. Obviously the EMA (European Medicines Agency) was forced to produce an explanation, they didn’t provide one but released news at a press conference on the 17th March to reassure everyone in the world that there was no certain connection to the vaccination.

They said that these deaths were due to one of two very rare clotting abnormalities; one is where you have so many clots forming in your body that the clotting system is exhausted, so you start to bleed. The second was blood clots in the veins of the brain. They said these rare cases were unfortunate but justified because of the benefits of the vaccine.

They had twelve cases of the first condition, the expected number was 1.3, which means they can’t totally exclude it, but the numbers are so small they should be accepted, because the benefit is so great. There were five cases of the brain clots when the number expected was below one.

When he read this, he said, “You guys have to be taken to court.” Nine to ten people completely healthy people under the age of 55 lost their lives. Based on that, if 10 million people under 60 were vaccinated you would expect to lose 60 lives. In the first six months of 2020, 52 Germans lost their lives to Covid. So how in God’s name can the benefits outweigh the risks?

The formation of clots in the brain is something so horrible to think about and you need immediate, urgent care. What are the symptoms? The first symptom is a splitting headache. Then nausea, vomiting, then they have dizziness, the paralysis, they become hard of hearing, blurred vision. Clot formation in the brain veins can give you any symptoms and that is why the symptoms of the people getting their second shot are so diverse, but they would all fit into that – even the people who have uncontrolled jerking they can’t control any more. This can be the result of clotting in the brain blood vessels.

The principle is the same for Pfizer and Moderna. The reason he believes it is happening is these vaccines are being taken up by the cells that line the vessels and then the spike protein is being produced by these cells of the vessel wall.

This is a disastrous situation because the spike protein itself is now sitting on the surface of the cell facing the bloodstream and it is known with these spike proteins that the moment they touch platelets they activate them and that sets the whole clotting system on. It’s like a press button.

The second thing that happens is the waste product of the protein produced in the cell is put in the front door of the cell near the opening where the blood is flowing and the immune system, especially the lymphosytes will attack the cells, because they don’t want them to make the virus parts. So you have a double tragedy.

The virus parts are now being made at locations that the virus would never reach, like the vessel walls in your brain, and if you scrape on that wall you’re going to get a blood clot. This happens with all the gene based vaccines because the genes are being introduced to the cells of the vessel wall. That’s what they think.

The spike protein is a part of the virus that acts like a lock on the door. It opens it so the virus can enter the cell. The immune system makes antibodies against this to stop the door being opened. It could work if the antibodies are where the spike is. Conventional vaccines like the flu vaccine are composed of the isolated, inert spike. In the case of the mRNA vaccine, one is not injecting the spike, one is injecting the genes that encode this spike into your body.

You get the shot in the muscle, those genes enter the bloodstream, and those genes will enter the cells they contact. If the substance enters the bloodstream, it will never leave – there’s no way out.

When asked what the danger is, Dr Bhakdi said, “the trouble is one doesn’t know where these genes are going because it’s never been looked at. This is one of the questions we posed to the EMA.”

This experiment has never been performed on animals. Humans are now being the test animals. Millions – and now we’re seeing the outcome, and the outcome is horrible and frightening.

Asked what are the concerns about the people who have been vaccinated long term? Dr Bhakdi explained how the immune system works and said you’d better not meddle with that. It’s much more intelligent than our politicians and our scientists who say it’s a new virus and therefore it doesn’t recognise it – that is so foolish that it hurts.

The immune system is like an orchestra. The conductor is perfect. By injecting this gene of the virus, we are interfering with the conductor. Now something is coming to confuse the immune system. Now the members of the orchestra are getting the information that they should play and react against this virus part. If you train them to play louder, they will play louder and louder every time.

What is happening now, I fear is the immune system is being trained to do something that it would do very well on it’s own – and now if the real virus comes in, or a virus that is related, it is ready to attack.

This is Antibody Dependant Enhancement disease or ADE that we fear is going to happen now. It will happen with every related virus so those guys who think they’re protected are actually being sensitised so they will become more ill when they encounter a related virus. This can happen tomorrow, next month, next season, or next year. Our immune system has a long, long memory.

What about those guys who want to get revaccinated? “I tell you, if you escaped this time, thank the Lord – but don’t do this again. It’s not Russian roulette – it’s worse. But if you are to do it, then go ahead. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”

The gene for the spike is entering the bloodstream and reaching cells of the blood vessel walls at locations that are actually forbidden. Because if these genes get the cells to produce spikes, these spikes are going to be produced in locations where they never are produced normally. Normally they’re produced in the lung – not the vessels of your brain.

That is the immediate danger, because once these spikes are produced and extruded through the wall, sticking out into the blood stream, they’re going to be recognised and the immune system is going to attack those cells and try to kill them – as they do in the lung. The spike is going to trigger the platelet and the waste is going to trigger the immune system.

“Together we’re heading for a catastrophe, and I think this is taking place in the brain very very often, because all those poor young people taking the second shot have so many splitting headaches. I mean it’s screaming at us.

The EMA (European Medicines Agency) conceded they had a number of deaths because of brain clots. So we know the clotting in the brain has started to take place, people have died and this has been diagnosed. If the other cases, of people going blind, deaf, or having this jerking disease that cannot be cured – if you’re going to take that into account, “the benefit is greater,” you tell me, who are you going to convince?

If you’re going to be meddling with something that nature has taken care of very well, then don’t come around crying and saying something’s gone wrong.

There’s no time to lose – you’ve got to act, you’ve got to stop it.”


At the end of the interview, I did some research on ADE – Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. My thoughts on reading this is Bill Gates is treating us just like his Windows computer users.

Antibody Dependent Enhancement is Immune Enhancement is Pathogenic Priming

So that’s a quick intro. Here are some paragraphs of note from the following article:

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Shows Alarming Evidence of Pathogenic Priming in Older Adults

In the development of vaccines against coronaviruses like SARS-COV-1 and MERS in the early 2000’s, researchers found evidence of a serious problem. Teams of U.S. and foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. At first, the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs.

This issue is well known. Early in the COVID-19 scenario, Dr. Peter Hotez, of Baylor College of Medicine, testified before Congress about the dangers of accelerating coronavirus vaccine development, saying  “(The) unique safety problem of coronavirus vaccines” was discovered 50 years ago while developing the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine.”

He went to register that this “‘paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon’ means vaccinated people may still develop the disease, get sicker and die.”

Animal trials insufficient

The patients in the study reviewed were healthy — and thus the spectrum of adverse events is not representative of those that might occur if the vaccine comes to market. In the previous animal trials, the first dose was a vaccine, but the second was natural infection, leading to severe injury and often death. In these human trials, both doses were from the vaccine, so it is also not reassuring that these adverse events did not include the more serious and deadly conditions that afflicted animals.

These human trials did not rule out pathogenic priming in any way. Both the Moderna and Pfizer animal studies, which used non-human primates, failed to examine organ sites other than lung, and while they studied potential markers of pathogenic priming, they failed to measure one: interleukin-5 (IL-5), which had been found in prior coronavirus studies to be elevated in conjunction with pathogenic priming-induced disease enhancement.

Recalling that animal studies conducted on prior COVID vaccines found pathogenic priming leading to disease enhancement in older animals more than younger animals, older adults may be at highest risk of serious chronic illness due to autoimmunity resulting from vaccine-induced pathogenic priming. Dr. Anthony Fauci has informed the public that these vaccines do not stop transmission. Therefore, the next dose of the viral proteins in the form of a natural infection for these study participants — a SARS-CoV-2 infection leading to COVID19 — may be their last. The study should be extended to long-term follow up, including any further vaccination or exposure to SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins by infection.

So why have the world’s top vaccine promoters, like Paul Offit and Peter Hotez, been warning us frantically about the unique and frightening dangers inherent in developing a coronavirus vaccine?

In this video footage, Offit, Hotez and even Fauci (in an unguarded moment), warn that any new coronavirus vaccine could trigger lethal immune reactions, “vaccine enhancement,” when vaccinated people come in contact with the wild virus. Instead of proceeding with caution, Fauci made the reckless choice to fast track vaccines, partially funded by Gates, without critical animal studies before moving into human clinical trials that could provide early warning of runaway immune responses.

Gates (in this video) is so worried about the danger of adverse events that he says vaccines shouldn’t be distributed until governments agree to indemnify against lawsuits. On Feb. 4, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, there were only 11 active CV cases in the U.S., yet the U.S. quietly pushed through federal regulations giving coronavirus vaccine makers full immunity from liability.

Letter to Physicians: Four New Scientific Discoveries Regarding COVID-19 Immunity and Vaccines – Implications for Safety and Efficacy

Are you willing to take the risk? Decide for yourself, based on the evidence.

The inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology speaks out

People think the Covid jab is a “vaccine” because that’s what it’s called. But it’s not a vaccine, it’s novel gene editing, which has never been done before. We’re told the mRNA vaccine instructs the cells to make a spike protein, which is supposed to stay in the arm muscle, or at most travel to a lymph node before the immune system takes care of it.

But the spike protein is not staying in the arm muscle. It’s causing things like blood clots, abnormal bleeding in periods, and myocarditis.

We’re not hearing the warnings as the experts are being censored.

Here’s Dr Robert Malone, the world’s foremost expert on the mRNA Vaccine Technology. I recommend listening to him.

The Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology: Dr Robert Malone.

Other experts are also speaking out.

Thai-German virologist Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi expresses deep concern about the vaccination development.

Perspectives on the Pandemic | “Blood Clots and Beyond” | Episode 15

Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology, having studied at the universities of Bonn, Giesen, Mainz, and Copenhagen.

He also studied at the Max Planck Institute Of Immunobiology And Epigenetics in Freiburg, and is a professor emeritus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and from 1991 to 2012 was head of the Institute Of Medical Microbiology And Hygiene.

Professor Bhakdi wrote an open letter to German chancellor, Angela Merkel, in which he outlined the facts being ignored by the establishment and Branch Covidians. He also co-wrote a letter to the European Medicines Agency with professor Martin Haditsch and Dr Mike Yeadon.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former CEO of Pfizer, has been one of the most outstanding, educative voices throughout this whole non-pandemic.

Here is is being interviewed by Del Bigtree.


And finally, here’s how Dr. Byram Bridle (who is a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario) summed it up:

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now… We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” (“Vaccine scientist: ‘We’ve made a big mistake”, Conservative Woman)

Algora Blog, The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”

Safe and effective” is the mantra we’re told over and over about the Covid vaccine. Is it? This is what we must decide for ourselves. Would you take it after listening to these experts, knowing the WHO’s vaccine agenda for everyone on the planet is integrated with the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030?


In August 2020, the Seventy-Third World Health Assembly endorsed the Immunization Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind (IA2030)in resolution WHA73/(9). This agenda had been developed in accordance with Agenda 2030 goals. Immunisation is critical to SDG3 – to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. IA2030 will also contribute—either directly or indirectly—to 13 of the other SDGs.

Immunization Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind


Prof Sucharit Bhakdi on COVID-19 Facts and Lies

Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi: ‘Healthy People Aren’t Dangerous’ but the Vaccine IS (Video)

WARNING: Renowned Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi Warns Against Hastily Created Gene-Altering Coronavirus Vaccine (video)

An Interview with Dr Mike Yeadon: “Vaccine Passports are a gateway to mass killing, in the billions