
Why are people showing up as numbers on Bluetooth (BLE) scanners?

After writing Human 2.0, the Internet of Bodies and Your Body’s the Node I decided to put it to the test and to observe the phenomenon.

Pam Vernon from Rangitikei-Environmental Health Watch (an excellent blog) was there to confirm my findings. We used a Samsung Galaxy Tablet with a Bluetooth BLE scanner.

This is not an experiment as we can’t run baseline tests from before 2021. This is merely an observation. I work in the IT field, I’m a computer technician and CISCO qualified network engineer so I understand computer networks and MAC addresses. I know what I’m seeing. If you think this is nonsense, tell me what these Bluetooth Low Energy emitters are and why they’re moving around?

That’s WHAT we saw. Now for WHY we saw it.

There is a Transhuman agenda being driven by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum called Human 2.0. Not only will we “own nothing and be happy,” and “eat ze bugs,” but we will all have brain implants. In ten years. Listen to his vision, the clip is just under a minute long. Klaus and his cronies are out of control.

“You All Will Have Implants” – Klaus Schwab and Google Co-Founder Look Ahead to Transhumanism [VIDEO]

The technocrats are designing a Digital Identity System which we will be forced to have “in order to fully participate in the economy and society.” They call it a “human right.” It’s a UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal, SDG 16.9, see A Digital Identity will be needed by 2030. Will it will be tied in with a mandatory “vaccine?”

As well, there will be AI, crypto currency, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the IoB (Internet of Bodies).

Would you trust the technocrats with your body? Your Body is the Network : Center for Internet of Bodies (C-IoB) Launch.

I believe what we’re looking at here in the shopping centre and cafe is the unethical and sneaky beginning of all of this.

The challenge is how do they work a system that if people understood it, nobody would want. “Essentially, you’re trying to get people to buy into a solution before they see where it’s ultimately going to go, because you’re talking about a transaction system that is no longer a currency – it’s a control system.

 Catherine Austin FittsThe end of currencies and a new control system


5G is needed for the IoT and IoB.

Now for HOW people at the shopping centre and the cafe are emitting Bluetooth Low Energy numbers.

5G signals can only travel for a short distance and can easily be lost from trees, objects, and rain. To compensate for this, 5G also needs a large amount of closely spaced mini cell towers to prevent signal loss. The vaccinated will serve as mini cell towers.

The human body has been turned into a nework for this purpose. If you don’t believe me look up CORONA from 2015. The protocol is an acronym for “A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks.”

Nanos are tiny devices that you can only see through a microscope and self-assembling nano-tech devices made of graphene have been found in “vaccinated” people. No, they aren’t injected with a microchip, it self-assembles in their bodies. The serum is injected with hyrogel containing graphene and self-assembling nanotech. It assembles according to RNA / DNA-based nanopatterns into electronic nanocircuits, with real nanoscale components, such as nanorouters and nanoantennas.

Each dose of the COVID-19 injection contains trillions of self replicating nanobots contained within the graphene oxide hydrogel, having the ability to disassemble or reassemble.

Graphene Oxide Hydrogel: Injecting Synthetic mRNA Into Every Cell

These electronic components are organized in Quantum Dots and Quantum Cells. See the heading ‘Quantum-dot tattoos’ below. Bill Gates and his cronies had been planning this well before 2020.

The Mark of the Beast

I believe this is the technology the Beast is going to use. We’re in its early stages. The Digital ID will contain a crypto-currency wallet. In 2019 Microsoft filed a patent for a CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA. The patent number is WO2020060606. You can’t make this stuff up.

26 Ghz

The graphene and nano-tech needs a frequency to form a circuit. That’s where 5G and 26Ghz come in.

Graphene multiplies the frequency at the same time it does damage within the human body since it is toxic. This toxicity depends on the radiation it absorbs. Why 26Ghz? Because that’s the optimum signal multiplication frequency of graphene transistors. (1.41 of video)

5G and its 26Ghz are precisely to wreak havoc with these graphene transistors inside the body.

The project is sponsored by Darpa. It came to the attention of Klaus Schwab and his cronies. The smaller the device, the higher the frequency. 26Ghz is a frequency that goes directly to the transistors. The vaccine was the Trojan horse with that graphene introduced.

Related posts

In November 2019 my attention was drawn to Bill Gates and ID2020, a Global ID system he was designing with other bad actors like the UN, Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation. I warned about it citing what Aaron Russo, a friend of Nick Rockefeller said. The end goal is “to get us all chipped.”

ID2020, the Global Digital ID

Concerned, I wrote another post about it in January 2020. In the paragraphs about a connection to vaccines, the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030, Revelation 13 which describes the mark of the beast which will be forced on the world. 

I wrote; “Here’s another unwelcome thought: will the mark alter our DNA?  We’re on the cusp of another technological revolution so I believe it’s possible.  I’m mentioning it so we can be aware of it.”

A Digital Identity will be needed by 2030

In March 2020, our first lock down, I wrote this post, building on the Digital ID that Bill Gates mentioned in a Reddit session : Vaxed – vexing questions about the Coronavirus pandemic

Graphene is toxic, in a previous post I show how different batches were tested on people to find out how much they can tolerate.

The Fine Art of Lethal Dosage Testing

Quantum-dot tattoos

The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records.  What are they?  Think nanos – a semiconductor nanostructure.

It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoos after Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.

LUCIFERASE QUANTUM DOT Tattoo in Jupiter Ascending l Pre Programming

So Gates was working on the implantable tattoos in December 2019, the same month the virus first appeared in Wuhan, China.  He’s been working on this since all United Nations countries made a global commitment to provide legal identity for everyone by 2030.

Does COVID-19 stand for “Certificate of Vaccine ID 2019?”

Bill Gates wanted a “Digital ID” using quantum dots. He asked for MiT to develop it in 2019. Did he get his way without people realising it? Have people’s bodies been turned into a nanonetwork without their knowledge?

If you think I am being a nutter or a conspiracy theorist, why were my concerns of 2019 proven right five months later in 2020?


WEF: Smart Phones Will Be INSIDE People by 2030

Principa Scientific: Doctor Uses Bluetooth Apps to Prove the “Vaccinated” Become 5G Wired

Dr Luis Miguel De Benito, a digestive physician with a PhD in molecular biology, has recorded an excerpt of an experiment he conducted which has found what would appear to be mysterious MAC addresses detected in vaccinated individuals with Bluetooth applications.

Doctor Detects ​MAC Addresses in  COVID Vaccinated Individuals ​With Bluetooth Applications


The psychopaths running this nightmare wouldn’t inject people with GO just to poison and kill them; there are cheaper, faster, and more efficient ways of genocide. Although depopulation plays a large role in their agenda, population control is the ultimate objective.

The Vaccinated Will Be 5G Repeaters

If you recall from the 5G explanation from earlier, the high frequencies it operates in equates to very dense wavelengths. As a result, 5G signals can only travel for a short distance and can easily be lost from trees, objects, and rain. To compensate for this, 5G also needs a large amount of closely spaced mini cell towers to prevent signal loss.

The vaccinated will serve as mini cell towers.

The graphene oxide stored in the fatty tissues of the vaccinated will turn them into mini 5G cell towers needed for the needed signal reception. The GO (graphene oxide) acts as a receiver and transmitter for biometric data and can receive and transmit these biometric data points such as vital signs remotely. 5G cell towers and satellites can distribute frequencies to an individual, group, or area to those with GO in their fatty tissue. These frequencies can be used to control human populations, consciousness, and even thoughts.

How Covid, Fake Vaccines, Graphene Oxide, and 5G All Connect

Is this radiation sickness?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored. In considering the epidemiological triad (agent-host-environment) applicable to all disease, we investigated a possible environmental factor in the COVID-19 pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimeter waves. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, surfaced in Wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks.

National Library of Medicine: Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G

China rolls out ‘one of the world’s largest’ 5G networks, 1 November 2019

Is Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness?

Graphene labs and the Ukraine :

A further element is the use of nano-debris (positioned as a “vaccine”) to gradually over time invade a human by stealth and render them anything from sterile to dead.

There is one recently developed material (a substance with truly astonishing and alarming capacities) that is essential to the realisation of transhuman, cyber, military and depopulation objectives. That novochok – ‘new stuff’ – is called Graphene.

Some of the world’s leading graphene scientists and biowarfare experts are based in the Ukraine, and funded by the Pentagon. But the real cutting edge of this nanotechnology lies inside the Ukrainian States recognised by Russia last week as independent nations.


GO – Graphene Oxide

Prof. Dr Pablo Campra found Graphene Oxide Wireless Network in Covid-19 Vaccines: Jab Contains Wireless Nanosensor (June 2021)

Self Assembling Circuits, evidence from an electrical engineer

Exclusive Horrific Images: Circuits In Covid Jab Internet Router Causes Circuits To Self Assemble

Graphene Oxide and Nanotech

EXCLUSIVE: Australian Whistleblower Scientists Provide Evidence of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide

IOB, Internet of Bodies

Internet Of Bodies: Using CRISPR To Electrically Connect And Control The Genome

The ‘great reset’ meets the Internet of Bodies: manipulating human behavior with authoritarian surveillance

The Internet of Bodies: The Human Body as an Efficient and Secure Wireless Channel

Your body is your internet — and now it can’t be hacked. Researchers have protected your pacemaker, other medical tech from remote hacks before they happen. Date: March 12, 2019

Internet of Bodies, Agenda 2030 and Cyborgs


Do You Think People Are Too Stupid To Understand Teslaphoresis?

Microsoft Patent


CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks, 2015

Origami DNA

In February 2022, Mik Andersen presented what could be graphic evidence of synthetic DNA, with the capacity for self-assembly in the Pfizer vaccine, called origami DNA, all closely related to graphene.

Source: History of a Genocide (XIII) – Vaccinated people issue MAC addresses

Vaxed – vexing questions about the Coronavirus pandemic

I wrote this March 2020 when we’d just gone into lock down in New Zealand.  While at the time I agreed with the government’s measures and accepted Covid-19 as a genuine pandemic, I felt something was wrong.  I had reservations.  To coin a verse from Shakespeare’s Hamlet; “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”

That doesn’t mean I ignored or minimised the threat of Covid-19 – but I had questions.  I said, “I’d rather ask the questions now and look silly in six months time, rather than keep silent about some things I’m discerning behind the scenes.”  Forewarned is forearmed.

The bad smell emanating from Denmark is a mandatory vaccination for Covid-19 once it becomes available.  Yes, Denmark had passed legislation for it to be mandatory!

Denmark rushes through emergency coronavirus law

Vaccinations should never be mandatory.  Will other countries try that on the populace?

Would New Zealand’s globalist, socialist parliament try it?  They’ve been ramming through unethical UN-mandated legislation ever since they got in to power.

What would it take to make a vaccine coupled with a Biometric ID mandatory and WHO would benefit?  Will the vaccine combine with ID2020, the universal digital Biometric identity?

Lets start with what we know:

  • Bill Gates wants population control and his interest is in vaccines.
  • The Gates foundation is one of the entities developing ID2020, the universal Biometric ID combined with a vaccine that the UN wants implemented by 2030.  The ID2020 partners, among other stakeholders, are Rockefeller, Gates, The UN, Accenture for the RFID chip and Gavi for vaccines.  ID2020 is described in an earlier blog post and it’s described below in the links.
  • The biometric data will be stored at Geneva.
  • WHO is at Geneva? The Word Health Organisation and GAVI – the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.  The Gates Foundation is a founding partner of Gavi.  GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.
ID2020 banner

The ID2020 partners

Event 201 Six weeks before the outbreak in Wuhan, the Gates foundation ran a simulation of a Coronavirus pandemic on October 18th 2019.

CISMCoincidentally, the 2019 Military World Games (CISM) held its opening ceremony on the same day in Wuhan.

CISM games, Wuhan 2019

2019 Military World Games, Wuhan.

Now for where I think this is going: The global Identity will be introduced as a vaccine – and this pandemic may be used as a way to get people to accept, even demand it.  This Coronavirus is certainly scaring us.  If a sane, rational country like Denmark could do it, what’s to stop other nations – especially if the leaders grant themselves emergency powers to mandate it.  God help those who resist!  Unvaccinated people will not be welcome in public anywhere.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want.  I hope I am wrong!  Would you take a vaccine that combines a biometric ID?

This is what I found – and it’s really going to get under your skin.

While answering questions on the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic on the 18th March 2020, globalist oligarch Bill Gates revealed something interesting during a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session when he gave a chilling reply to this question;What changes are we going to have to make to how businesses operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing?”

“The question of which businesses should keep going is tricky. Certainly food supply and the health system. We still need water, electricity and the internet. Supply chains for critical things need to be maintained. Countries are still figuring out what to keep running,” Gates responded.

It was the next part of his answer that alarmed individuals concerned with protecting medical freedom and privacy rights.

“Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” Gates said.

Reddit users were immediately thunderstruck with Gates’ ominous response and were scrambling for a clarification from the former Microsoft CEO that never came.

“Digital certificates? Are you saying each person individually will receive a document that says we were tested? Can that be used against us?” a Reddit user posted.

“No, he’s saying Microsoft and MIT developed “tatoo (sic) markers” that show whether you have received (sic) a vaccine or not.  This will be coupled with Gate’s (sic) new invention, ID2020, which is a digital ID microchip implanted under the skin,” another Reddit user said to explain Gates’ motives.

Source: As Coronavirus Panic Spreads, Bill Gates Talks Up ‘Digital Certificates’ to Enforce Mandatory Vaccines

Quantum-dot tattoos

The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records.  What are they?  Think nanos – a semiconductor nanostructure.

It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoos after Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.

LUCIFERASE QUANTUM DOT Tattoo in Jupiter Ascending l Pre Programming

So Gates was working on the implantable tattoos in December 2019, the same month the virus first appeared in Wuhan, China.  He’s been working on this since all United Nations countries made a global commitment to provide legal identity for everyone by 2030.

In 2017 Microsoft joined ID2020 and positioned themselves to spearhead the ID2020 initiative.  Gates and the Board of the Alliance have a “Certification Mark” that they award to companies and technologies that meet the criteria of being “good” digital ID tech.

This month, on March 11th 2020 in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, ID2020 announced its first two certified digital identity solutions: Kiva Protocol and Gravity.Earth.

These are digital wallets using a blockchain technology platform that enables digital identity and verifiable credit history.

So far Kiva has been tested on the people of Sierra Leone and Syrian refugees.

Which means ID2020, a digital ID and wallet combined with a vaccine, is getting ready to go.  Will we all be required to take a mandatory vaccine in order to go back to work?

Or travel?

Will a new digital currency be ushered in after the economy crashes?  Will we all have to use a digital wallet with cryptocurrency we can “trust” in order to buy and sell?

Will this ultimately lead to the technology we’re warned of in Revelation 13 of the Bible?

Gates and mandatory vaccine

Further news from April 4th 2020: Bill Gates is funding new factories for 7 potential coronavirus vaccines, even though it will waste billions of dollars


ID2020 is a UN plan for everyone to have a universal digital ID, in accordance with Agenda 2030 sustainable development goal 16.9.

In September 2019, the ID2020 Alliance launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance Gavi, and new partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief.

The world’s biometric data will be held in Geneva where Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisations) and the Word Health Organisation are based.

Event 201

Event 201, practise for 2020

Event 201 was a pandemic simulation of a Coronavirus pandemic held in New York six weeks before the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.  The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly proposed these recommendations.

Clinical trials during outbreaks in collaboration with CEPI, GAVI, and the World Health Organisation was one of the recommendations.

The Show Must Go On. Event 201: The 2019 Fictional Pandemic Exercise [World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation et al.]

Wuhan military Olympics

On the same day as Event 201, the 2019 Military World Games (CISM) held its opening ceremony  in Wuhan.  The CISM  is the military Olympics which began in 1995 in Rome, on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the United Nations at the end of World War 2.

Dr Vernon Coleman believes that once a vaccine is developed, it will be compulsory – so watch out for that.

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

Legislation to Force Testing or Bar you From the Public
“After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same).”

Reddit AMA session

Is This a Plot To Cover-up Collapse of Keynesian Economics?
“This is obviously an orchestrated shut down of the global economy, for no reason at all – or rather, they have a reason but it’s nothing to do with this silly virus.”

First Certification Mark for Digital ID Is Completed

Bill Gates will use microchip implants to fight coronavirus


Are they planning ID2020 as mandatory implants for all as the solution to the crisis?
“The United Nations’ WHO is part of this ID2020.  Scaring the world and making people feel unsafe unless they are certified not to have this Coronavirus just may be part of the plot behind the curtain. I hate conspiracy theories, but this is in the open. The health industry is destroying the world economy and making people feel unsafe. Unemployment is skyrocketing as people lose their jobs and will be then conditioned that if they have been certified, then and only then will they be safe to return to the workforce.”

20 Aug 2020, A New World Order, Behind Closed Doors …

Here’s a video incorporating segments from the Wuhan war games and Pacific children announcing the New World Order.  The video is from “New China,” whatever that is.

The song is from the UN in the Pacific.  They brought together artists UN leaders, heads of State and international celebrities in the world’s first regional COVID-19 concert.

UN Covid Propaganda reaches brazen new levels Mandatory Vaccination, Troop Deployment

Jan 27, 2021 Hundreds protest against Covid-19 restrictions in Denmark :

COPENHAGEN (AFP) – Hundreds of people took to the streets of Copenhagen on Saturday night (Feb 6) to protest against Denmark’s Covid-19 restrictions and the country’s plans for a digital vaccination certificate.

The Straits Times

A Digital Identity will be needed by 2030

According to Sustainable Development Goal SDG 16 of the U.N. Agenda 2030 we’re going to need a digital identity.   This high-minded goal doesn’t tell us that, it simply describes itself as:

SDG 16.9“The promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.”

The devil is in the details.  Drilling down a level to target 16.9, the goal is “By 2030 to provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.”

The World Bank states that birth registration alone is not enough. Health treatments need to be tracked, including vaccinations.  It will be needed for banks and households where there’s “more than one family.”
Source: The criterion problem: Measuring the legal identity target in the post-2015 agenda

The World Bank argues that SDG16.9 is “key to attainment of many other SDG goals.”

Note: “What’s the end goal?”  film producer the late Aaron Russo asked his friend Nicholas Rockefeller.  Rockefeller replied, “The end goal is to get everybody chipped.”

You’ll find Russo’s warning at 10:40 on the clip “Rockefeller Reveals 9 11 FRAUD and New World Order to Aaron Russo.


So the U.N., Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation and a host of other stakeholders came up with ID2020, a program aimed at giving every human on the planet a digital ID, like a fingerprint, in order to keep everyone connected.

ID2020 banner

When I first mentioned ID2020 in my post ID2020, the Global Digital ID I didn’t know it was part of U.N. Agenda 2030.

I should have realised from the weird conference room the stakeholders were meeting in.  I later learned it was a United Nations Council chamber.

On May 18th, 2018 the World Bank Group and the United Nations signed a Strategic Partnership Framework (SPF), which consolidates their joint commitment to cooperate in helping countries implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Microsoft have positioned themselves to spearhead the ID2020 initiative.  The initiative helmed by Bill Gates is aimed at “getting Digital IDs right.”

“As companies are only now defining what a proper, official online ID looks like, ID2020 seeks to help define what a “good” digital ID is. Gates and the Board of the Alliance have a “Certification Mark” that they award to companies and technologies that meet the criteria of being “good” digital ID tech.



The idea behind some of ID2020’s more controversial technologies is a digital ID that can be implanted into someone in chip form. Ostensibly, this is to help homeless people or people in developing countries by giving them access to blockchain-powered identification.

In theory, the practice would have people receiving free vaccinations through the Bill Gates foundation if they have an ID chip implant. In turn, these implants would carry encrypted, blockchain-backed data that allow for easy access to services you can’t normally get without an ID.

It could also help social workers and researchers keep up with who is up-to-date on their vaccinations.”


Would you agree to have a microchip implanted into your body? That’s the question that Microsoft and a group of pharmaceutical companies are asking.

Implantable device

The Microsoft Certification Mark

Governments, NGO’s and charities have been beavering away on technology projects in order to get their Microsoft Certification Mark.

I was wondering why the Red Cross had disbursed only a third of the donated funds to the victims of the Australian bushfires.  Those expensive Agenda 2030 goals and technology projects will no doubt be costing a lot of money and the public would never donate for a thing like this.  I’ll put the links to the Red Cross at the bottom of the page.

The reason I’m picking on them is because the Red Cross has been in the news about the Australian Bush fire donations and I notice they’ve adopted the green-tape of Agenda 2030 in their practices.

The 169 Sustainable Development Targets

The devil really is in these targets, which you can find here and drill down on by clicking on each of the 17 goals.  Why 169, I wondered?

169 = 13 x 13.

Revelation 13 describes the mark of the beast and the deceiver who forces it on the world.  Will we be the generation to contend with the mark we’ve been warned about in the Bible?

Here’s another unwelcome thought: will the mark alter our DNA?  We’re on the cusp of another technological revolution so I believe it’s possible.  I’m mentioning it so we can be aware of it.

Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination

“The emergence of this Frankenstein technology is paralleled by a shrill push to mandate vaccines, across the board, for both children and adults. The pressure and propaganda are planet-wide.”

Source: Jon Rappoport

Finally, I believe this will lead to a totalitarian state.  If we refuse the ID, we won’t get access to any services.

The Sustainable Development Goals, Identity, and Privacy: Does their implementation risk human rights?
While birth registration is the only form of identification specifically mentioned in SDG 16.9, the initiatives that have emerged from the goal seem to have barely considered it. Rather, they are concerned about other technologies: the likes of national ID cards, biometrics, and more exotic and untested technologies like blockchain.

“Identity” is an important part of all our lives and having the ability to prove who we are is empowering. Having control over our identity can help not only achieve the necessities of life, but also more fundamental concerns of dignity and autonomy. Implementing SDG 16.9 could be done in a way that does not risk this. Yet, if the push is towards greater implementation of some centralised, unique, insecure, one-size-fits-all identity systems which fail to consider the individual, their needs and rights, it can prove to be the opposite.

ID systems can lead to surveillance, tracking and profiling by states and private companies; they can exclude rather than include; they can limit opportunities and become a tool for control and repression. Without proper consideration, SDG 16.9 could lead to a move against not only the broader Goal 16 for peaceful and sustainable societies, but also be damaging for human rights, and ultimately harm the very people it was intended to help.
Source: Privacy International

ID2020 : Global Digital ID Pushed Via Vaccines

Written 14 Oct 2019.

The Red Cross

Red Cross Accused of Withholding Millions of Dollars in Donations Meant for Australian Bushfires

COMMENT: Red Cross Using Social Media Spin Doctors To Screw Bushfire Victims

Red Cross director admits that almost $11million from bushfire donations WON’T go to victims and will be used for ‘administration costs’

The Australian Red Cross  – Submission to the Human Rights and Technology project

Red Cross NZ: Red Cross welcomes UN global goals for sustainable development

ID2020, the Global Digital ID

Thirty years ago our government tried to introduce an ID card for New Zealand citizens. The IMF and NZ politician Jenny Shipley were behind that attempt, but TV3 News did it’s job, and warned the public. The ID card was scrapped after public outrage – just as it had been in Australia.

So what’s happening nowadays? Besides the fact that the news media no longer serves the public?

Did you know there’s a global digital ID being planned for everyone?

This is the link for the ID2020 Manifesto:  Manifesto | ID2020

So who is this group, the ID2020 Alliance?

“ID2020, a US-registered non-profit based in New York, NY, is the Secretariat for the ID2020 Alliance, a public-private partnership that is ‘maximizing the potential of digital ID to improve lives.'”


A high level meeting of ID2020 employees. Notice the interesting object hanging on the far wall of the United Nations Council chamber. See below for more info.

ID2020 is a diverse lot of stakeholders. Bill Gates is a founding member. UN agencies, NGOs, governments, and enterprises are all very invested in developing this. It’s being foisted on vulnerable people like the refugees and homeless first.

The stakeholders are a mix of UN agencies, Blockchain companies, financial services to the developing world, vaccine makers, biometrics companies, refugee agencies, and lawyers.

Some of the stakeholders give me pause – like the UN’s ICC (International Computing Centre), Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Bearing in mind the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in this, I have included a link from an interview with Aaron Russo which I believe is relevant now.

Aaron Russo was friends with Nick Rockefeller who wanted to recruit him for the Council on Foreign Relations during the tenure of their friendship. There’s a warning in this 10 minute clip from Russo about the end goal, “to get us all chipped.”

Rockefeller Reveals 9 11 FRAUD and New World Order to Aaron Russo

The Bible warns in Revelation 13:16-17 of a future where everyone will be forced to take a mark in order to buy and sell.

We’re not there yet, but I believe this is a precursor to that mark.


ID2020 will be sold to the rest of us as a secure online ID because it uses blockchain, a technology that can’t be tampered because it’s stored in different locations. The blockchain can’t be tampered with, right?

Why Accenture’s Plan to ‘Edit’ the Blockchain Is a Big Deal.

ID2020 Stakeholders

Joan Veon, a journalist who attended over 100 UN meetings concerning world government wrote about private-public partnerships, which are used by governments for building infrastructure and are being used for ID2020.  Before passing away in 2010, Veon said, “I have seen world government in action and it is here, now.” 

Here are some of the entities involved.

Accenture: think artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotics, drones with computer vision and virtual reality.

Microsoft and Accenture Unveil Global ID System for Refugees

GAVI is the Vaccine Alliance, focusing their vaccines right now on the third world.

IDEO.og – customer service for refugees.

ICC – Information Technology and Communications (ICT) services within the United Nations System. 

iRespond – Digital identity for everyone on the planet. *See note about them in the links below

KIVA – Financial Services

Simprints Simprints is a nonprofit biometrics company that is building an affordable, secure, rugged, open-source fingerprint system that works in the world’s toughest settings. They are working with Gavi.


ID2020 Alliance’ Will Combine Vaccinations & Implantable ID Microchips


Nick Rockefeller:  His securities practice includes litigation before the United States Supreme Court and a number of his transactions have been featured in leading periodicals. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Insitutute of Strategic Studies, the Advisory Board of RAND, the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Committee on Foreign Relations in Los Angeles, the Western Justice Center, and has served as a participant in the World Economic Forum and the Aspen Institute. He is a member of the Board of Visitors of the Law Schools of the University of Oregon and Pepperdine University and is active in the affairs of his alma mater, Yale University. He recently chaired a panel at the United Nations on E-Commerce and is a co-author of “Economic Strategy and National Security”. Rockefeller’s China practice includes transactions with China’s largest banks, energy companies, communications entities and real estate enterprises as well as with China’s principal cities and leading provinces. He was chosen as a board member of the Central China Construction and Development Commission and as a director of the Xiwai International School of Shanghai International University. He has appeared numerous times on CCTV and other China media. Nicholas is a graduate of Yale University and of Yale Law School.

Microsoft and Accenture Unveil Global ID System for Refugees

Accenture, ID2020: Digital Identity

Microsoft and Jio: Accelerating India’s digital progress

iRespond: “Charity” Accused of Sex Abuse Coordinating ID2020’s Pilot Program For Refugee Newborns.

 ID2020 Summit: Highlights and Key Takeaways:  They  are taking the Gavi model as a blueprint for the ID2020 Alliance.  List of stakeholders are here.

ID2020 Network: ID2020 – Government-Issued IDs – Global Governance.

Nekhbet, in Egyptian religion, vulture goddess who was the protector of Upper Egypt and especially its rulers. Nekhbet was frequently portrayed as spreading her wings over the pharaoh while grasping in her claw the cartouche symbol or other emblems. Source: