
The supernatural protection of Israel

Here’s an awe-inspiring sight, a pillar of cloud protecting Israel on the Syrian border on Dec 5th, 2016.

It brings to mind the column of cloud that was there in the Exodus when God stood between Israel and the army of Pharaoh.

Is there any proof for the events in Exodus 14, and the Red Sea crossing?

Ron Wyatt, a colorful and controversial amateur archeologist found chariot wheels on the floor of the Red Sea, relating it to the Biblical account of Pharaoh’s army being drowned while pursuing the Hebrews.

This hasn’t been proven true or false:

He never got his work peer-reviewed so I don’t consider his findings relevant.  For me the cloud is evidence of the Exodus.


And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them. So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. Exodus 14:19

For more evidence of God’s protection of Israel, click here.


Pride comes before a … hurricane


Orlando sign after hurricane Charley 2004

It seems hurricane Matthew is coming out in Florida on the same weekend as the big “Come out with pride Orlando” event.   

Has this event got anything to do with Hurricane Matthew?  Can storms be an act of God?

Hurricanes are always going to blow in from the Caribbean and Atlantic, but let’s see if there’s a correlation of events that could cause judgement.

Here’s a brief history of the storms in 2005, and the co-incidences.  I’m not picking on the homosexuals – it’s just that they flout their sin openly.  And it’s easy to track the timing of the gay festivals with hurricanes.  Does God hate them?  No, although God calls these homosexual practices an abomination (Leviticus 20:13), he’s been patient hoping the nation will repent of this behaviour.  Instead, it has spread from state to state and throughout the U.S. military.

Let’s start with 2005 – the year that Orlando’s COWP (Come Out With Pride) was founded.  Is there a correlation in 2005, and then seven years later in 2012?

2005 Hurricane Katrina came in at the same time as Southern Decadence.
I think there were also other factors at play here, involving Israel giving away Gaza. I’ve observed that Israel giving away land also results in judgement.

2005 Hurricane Wilma came in at the same time asFantasy Fest,‘ another homosexual party held in Florida after Hurricane Katrina.  Wilma roared in when it was due to start, and turned the whole place to kindling wood.  It did millions of dollars in damage and covered 70% of the island in water.

2012 Hurricane Isaac,  came in seven years to the day of Hurricane Katrina.  Coincidence?
Eerie Bible coincidence for Hurricane Isaac?

Seven years to repent.  But no, they partied on.  New Orleans gay festival celebrates after Hurricane Isaac.

For the last decade, it’s been quiet on the hurricane front, even after the Whitehouse was decked out in the six colour rainbow to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage in 2015.  Until Hurricane Andrew in 2016,  Florida marked a record of 10 years without a major hurricane.  It’s like America held its breath.

Reaping the whirlwind

Is America sowing the wind?  Is this behaviour inviting the “huracán?” Huracun is the Spanish word for hurricane.  It was probably derived from the Native American Taino language of the Carib people. In Taino, Hurican is variously the god of evil or the god of the storm, and was imported himself from the Mayan god Hurakan.  Source:

Reap the whirlwind is a term derived from the proverbial phrase “They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind”, which in turn comes from the Book of Hosea in the Hebrew Bible, Hosea 8-7.


The phrase was also used by Norman Tebbit in a 1985 lecture when he condemned the permissive society saying:

Bad art was as good as good art. Grammar and spelling were no longer important. To be clean was no better than to be filthy. Good manners were no better than bad. Family life was derided as an outdated bourgeois concept. Criminals deserved as much sympathy as their victims. Many homes and classrooms became disorderly – if there was neither right nor wrong there could be no basis for punishment or reward. Violence and soft pornography became accepted in the media. Thus was sown the wind; and we are now reaping the whirlwind.

come-outComing out

In the queer siren call to “come out,” I hear another voice calling people to “come out.”  It’s God, urging people out of Babylon.  “Come out of her, run for your lives” he urges in Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18.

If you’re in the path of a hurricane – evacuate.  Same if you’ve been tempted into a sinful lifestyle. Repent, change direction and run. Run for your life.  Don’t take part in Babylon’s fornication or judgement.

I can’t warn you enough.

Look at this whirlwind.  What do you see?  I assure you – this image is from NASA and has not been doctored in any way.

Horrifying Face Spotted In Hurricane Matthew Satellite Image

Satellite image of Hurricane Matthew looks like grinning skull

There’s a verse in the Bible that says “God makes the winds his messengers.” (Psalm 104:4).  Are we getting the message?

Lest you think I’m singling out homosexuals, no they’re not the only ones to invite God’s wrath.  As I’ve mentioned with hurricane Katrina – hurricanes and tornadoes also roar in when there are land deals involving Jerusalem.

1991, 31 October
President George H. Bush promoted the Madrid Peace Conference, where he attempted to divide the land of Israel in exchange for “peace” with the Palestinians.

The Next Day – The Perfect Storm, 31 October 1991
The storm travels 1,000 miles from East to West (instead of the normal West to East pattern) and crashes into the New England coast. One of the first places The Perfect Storm hit was Kennebunkport, Maine.  Thirty-five foot waves crash into the Kennebunkport home of President Bush.

3-Story Waves Heavily Damage Bush Vacation Compound in Southern Maine

12 Shocking Proofs That Disaster Strikes America When It Mistreats Israel

Huge Oil Discovery in Israel

Last month Israel had a freak sandstorm of Biblical proportions, the worst since the state of Israel began.  It lasted four days and ended just before Rosh Hashana on Sept 13th 2015, the Jewish New Year.  Normally sandstorms come from the south, but this one blew in from Syria and covered the land. 

In Bible prophecy a vast coalition will advance against Israel from that direction, “like a cloud that covers the land.”  Ezekial 38

"You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land.  In days to come, Gog, I will bring you against my land,
so that the nations may know me when I am proved holy through you before their eyes."  Ezekial 38:16 

This week I’ve been wondering why China is getting involved in the Syrian conflict, and why it’s beginning to look like World War 3.

Watching the news on TV didn’t enlighten me, but I didn’t expect the media to cover it from the angle I’m looking at – the Bible prophecy in Ezekial 38 and 39. The prophet Ezekial wrote about a war in the latter days, where God puts a hook in the jaws of the prince of Rosh (Russia) to drag him and his allies into a conflict on the mountains of Israel.

With that in mind, I’ve been keeping an eye on the conflict to see if there’s something that would cause Putin to attack Israel.  After I prayed about it, news was announced of a major oil discovery this week – on the mountains of Israel, the Golan Heights.  This is a game changer.  That land is under dispute with Syria.  After this oil find, you can bet Syria is going to want the Golan Heights back.  And Russia is Syria’s ally.  Here might be the hook in the jaws of Gog.  If Russia invades Israel, you’d better start reading the Bible for your news.

Potentially game-changing oil reserves discovered in Israel

Afek Oil and Gas, an Israeli subsidiary of the U.S. company Genie Energy, confirmed the find in an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 TV.  They said the strata was 10 times as much as the normal strata so they’re talking about we are talking about significant quantities.  They started drilling in December 2014.

Notable investors and shareholders of Genie Energy are Howard Jonas, former US Vice President Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, and Rupert Murdoch. 


It’s an interesting name, Genie Energy – and the shareholders are all powerful men.  And power corrupts.  Their corporate logo is an oil lamp.  A Genie (or Jinn) is a spirit of Arabian folklore, as depicted traditionally imprisoned within a bottle or oil lamp.  I wonder what’s going to happen when they let this Genie loose.  

China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships.  China slammed Obama for failing to prove that the chemical weapons attack was the work of the Syrian government, charging that Washington’s “geopolitical interests” in the region were behind the military build-up.  The editorial also complained of the total lack of media coverage in America concerning reports that Syrian rebels admitted responsibility for last month’s chemical weapons attack, and accused the White House of “ignoring logic as it beats war drums.”  Source:

Now it becomes clearer why Washington wants to remove Assad, and why Putin wants to keep Assad.  Washington doesn’t even care what Islamic horror Assad would get replaced with.  Look at what happened to Libya after they removed Gadhaffi.  Before it had the highest standard of living in Africa.  Now it’s a failed state.

Other news links regarding the major oil find in Israel:

Israel oil

Potentially game-changing oil reserves discovered in Israel Source: Fox news

The Golan Heights

In the Bible this territory was given to the tribe of Joseph through his son Manasseh.  It’s disputed territory because it’s in the Golan Heights, which Israel captured from Syria in the 1967 Six Day War.

In Jacob’s blessing to Joseph in Genesis 49:22 he speaks of Joseph getting “blessings of the deep that lies beneath.

The blessing from the deep is confirmed in Moses blessing, when he gave the tribes their territory: “And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, with the precious things of heaven, with the dew, and the deep lying beneath.

This blessing is going to be a double-edged sword that will probably lead to war.  Because when Jacob gave Joseph his blessing, we read on the next line, Genesis 49:23: “The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him.”  The bow is associated with Ishmael, the father of the Arabs and the ancestor of Mohammed (Genesis 21:20).  And we know the Arabs hate Israel.

Here you can see the sandstorm from 8th-12th Sept 2015 that covered the land like a cloud.
Is it a warning sign?

Massive sandstorm Middle East

Hell froze over, and a cold spot called Embarass

Al Gore's inconvenient truthAt College we were subjected to Al Gore’s powerpoint “An inconvenient Truth” about “Global Warming”.  I immediately mistrusted it because of his links with Enron.

My thoughts were it was scare-mongering for profit and I’d keep a “weather eye” out for the facts.

There is a scripture in the Bible where God “foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense.”  Isaiah 44:25

Based on that I’ve learned about God I expected He would turn their false prophecies into nonsense.  We’ve just got to look for the signs.  But first I’ll deal with facts.  Please stay with me because I’ll get to the signs.

The facts

In September 2013 a group of 50 international scientists released a comprehensive new report on the science of climate change.  They concluded that the evidence no longer supports global warming as a result of human-related greenhouse gas emissions.   The report cited thousands of peer-reviewed articles, which the United Nations-sponsored panel on climate change ignored.  Why?
It also found that “no empirical evidence exists to substantiate the claim that 2°C of warming presents a threat to the planet.”

Please read the summary for the Policy makers and the conclusion for yourself.  Here’s the key thing:
NIPCC’s conclusion, drawn from its extensive review of the scientific evidence, is that any human global climate signal is so small as to be embedded within the background variability of the natural climate system and is not dangerous.  At the same time, global temperature change is occurring, as it always naturally does. 

Did you hear anything about that from your media?  I sure didn’t.  Again I wonder why?

Remember, these are scientists with no pecuniary motive (not paid off) and their findings are peer reviewed.

Compare the NIPCC (Non-governmental Panel on Climate Change) to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) that Al Gore and the UN use.  The IPCC’s lies were exposed by leaked emails in 2009.

 Here’s another thing; A boat named the Shokalskiy got stuck in heavy sea ice off the Antarctic coast over Christmas.  Remember, Christmas down here in the southern hemisphere is summer.  Also not reported by our media was the reason that the boat was down there.  It was full of climate scientists studying global warming. Oh the irony.

Shokalskiy stuck in ice

Ship of fools

But here are some more embarass-ing facts …

The Signs

There were two places of note in thhell-freezes-overe US that froze over at the same time the ship was stuck;
Hell froze overOh yes, it really did, at -17C (1F).

Embarass.  And then there is a place called Embarass.  Embrass experienced the lowest temperature in the US at -37C (-35F).  It was colder than Mars, according to the news.

So there you are, the facts and the signs.  Would Hell freezing over embarass Al Gore, the UN, and the Global warming alarmists?  Hell no, they’re shameless.

Here is a list of links that I referred to:

Big freeze shatters North America temperature records
Global Warming Alarmists Stuck In Antarctic Sea IceHell freezes over
NIPCC Summary for Policymakers

LEAKED SCIENTIST EMAILS: Hackers Expose Climate Change Lies (A short 3 minute video clip about the lies the IPCC told)


‘Biblical’ floods in UK, unbiblical laws, and Acts of God

Prime Minister Cameron called the UK floods ‘biblical’ after the Thames burst it’s banks on 11th Feb 2014.

This biblical weather was just the latest in a string of severe storms and floods in the UK, beginning with the St. Jude storm on 27-28 October 2013, which was also known as Cyclone ‘Christian’.  According to The Guardian, EU institutions officially referred to the storm as “Christian”.

British flooding Feb 2014

A woman in a flooded street in Old Windsor, Berkshire, after the River Thames burst its banks upstream of London.

The St Jude storm was so named because it happened on the feast of Saint Jude the Apostle, which takes place on 28 October.  Jude was the brother of Jesus Christ, and one of the Twelve Apostles appointed by Jesus to lead his Church.

Jude wrote urging Christians to contend for the faith, warning about certain people who have secretly slipped in among the Church; ungodly people, who pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality.  Jude 1:4

Queen Elizabeth bears the title “The Defender of the Faith”.  In her coronation oath of 1953 she swore to maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel.

Peers vote for Gays to marry 4-6-13

Peer pressure

Two big events took place in the UK last year; legislation to introduce same-sex marriage, and the 60th anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation.  While the Coronation was being celebrated at Westminster Abbey, the peers were voting in parliament to allow same-sex marriage.

On the 4th June 2013, the same day that the 60th anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation was marked with a service of celebration at Westminster Abbey, the peers voted to allow David Cameron’s same-sex marriage Bill to continue its passage through parliament.

David Cameron Bible reading Queen's 60th coronation

UK Prime Minister David Cameron reading from the Bible at the anniversary of the Queen’s 60th Coronation. (1 Kings 1:32-40).

Meanwhile, at Westminster Abbey, the instigator of the marriage bill hypocritically read from the Bible.  Overlooked was this verse : “By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just …”  Proverbs 8:15.

After that, the Queen broke her oath, by signing the same sex marriage bill, giving it her royal approval.

The legislation to allow same-sex marriage in England and Wales was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in July 2013 and will come into force on 13 March 2014, with the first same-sex marriages taking place on 29 March 2014.

Now they want to get rid of adultery!

“Lawyers and MPs said the distinction over adultery created inequality between heterosexual and homosexual couples in the divorce courts and would lead to confusion.  They said it made it likely that adultery would simply be abolished as a grounds for divorce – either through Parliament or the courts.”

Where are the voices in opposition to this?  The voices of ordinary English people would have been ignored, as they were in NZ.  One brave UK  politician did speak up about it, and got expelled from his political party.

Mr Silvester wrote: “The scriptures make it abundantly clear that a Christian nation that abandons its faith and acts contrary to the Gospel (and in naked breach of a coronation oath) will be beset by natural disasters such as storms, disease, pestilence and war.”  Blaming David Cameron for the bad weather, he added: “It is his fault that large swathes of the nation have been afflicted by storms and floods.”

It appears he was a lone voice in the wilderness, a voice that was mocked, reviled and ridiculed.

The Church of England gave up the fight.

Jesus said “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”  Matthew 5:13

Flooded crypt at Winchester Cathedral, Feb 2014

God is trying to get Britain’s attention. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14. 

It’s a promise for ordinary Christians.


Of course, the floods are going to be blamed on “global warming”.  The word should be “warning”.

During the St Jude storm which caused at least 17 deaths, a crane collapsed on top of the Cabinet Office in London, closing Whitehall between Horse Guards Avenue and Parliament Square.  The Cabinet Office supports the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the UK.

The apostle Jude only wrote one chapter of the Bible.  I’ll leave you with his warning;

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.  For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

Jude 1-3Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe.   And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgement on the great Day.   In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings.”  Book of Jude.