
Strange and Creepy Voice heard during Queen’s Funeral procession

I always keep an eye out for the strange and unusual and signs accompanying events. This incident is from the Queen’s funeral five days ago. It’s still unexplained. It happened as the funeral procession was being filmed from a helicopter.

In the short 21 second video, ITV News zooms into the state hearse which is transporting the Queen’s coffin from above.

“As you can see here in London it is a lovely day as the hearse heads out into West London,” a male newsreader says.

The clip was filmed just after the Queen’s procession, which ended at Wellington Arch, and sees Her Majesty being taken to Windsor to be laid to rest.

At the start of the video, an ominous voice can be heard whispering “the death is irreversible,” in a really creepy tone.

The female voice continues to say “and the fact that,” but she trails off and it’s difficult to hear what she says next before everything goes silent.

Source: HITC: Mystery voice says ‘the death is irreversible’ in creepy Queen’s funeral clip

It freaked people on Twitter out. Some wondered if the spooky voice was Diana. I believe there’s probably a rational explanation for it, but ITV News aren’t saying how it got on their feed from the news helicopter.

The English woman’s voice is stating the obvious, death is irreversible – unless we’re talking about Jesus. He reversed it in a way that we are still celebrating over 2000 years later.

In her Christmas message, the Queen always spoke of her faith in Him.

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:22

If the Queen’s faith was genuine, she did not need to fear death. The death of the monarchy perhaps – but not her own death.

Queen reveals the secret of her enduring Christian faith as she shares treasured memory of her beloved father in new book.


Mystery voice says ‘the death is irreversible’ in creepy Queen’s funeral clip

Viewers spooked after creepy moment caught during live coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral

The last Christian Queen?

The Ground Zero Bible of 911

With all eyes are on the Queen’s passing, the anniversary of 911 is forgotten about. But today I remember the attacks on the World Trade Centre that happened 21 years ago.

“Where was justice?” I was left wondering after 911. I like many others have never been satisfied with the narrative, there are too many questions left unanswered. Who was really behind it all? We’ll probably never know. But God knows and I believe he has something to say. On the 15th anniversary of the attacks a new story emerged – and it involved the Bible.

Photographer Joel Meyerowitz is a photographer who spent nine months inside Ground Zero and wrote the book “Aftermath: World Trade Center Archive.” He was taking pictures of the wreckage in New York City when a fireman came running to him with an incredible find: a page from the Bible melted into a piece of heart-shaped steel.

Meyerowitz donated the incredible artifact to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City.

The “Ground Zero Bible” Miracle? What a 9/11 Fireman Found Burned into Steel

“This shredded, burned and rubble-covered Bible came to me from the loving hands of a fireman who knew that I was the record keeper of ground zero,” Joel said.

The page was from the Gospel of Matthew, in which Jesus gave His Sermon on the Mount and specifically addressed retaliation:

You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. Matthew 5:37

Why? Only God knows who the real perpetrators are, and he says, “It is mine to avenge, it is mine to repay:”

Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.’

Deuteronomy 32:35

As I write there’s another mass killing going on, but this one is silent, unreported. If you read my blog posts you’ll know what I’m talking about – ever since the sudden death of my dentist on the 23rd June 2021 I’ve been documenting what’s been going on. Reading this on retaliation has helped me because I know that eventually there will be justice.

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AB-solute proof, the blood that speaks

ab-negative-rarest-blood-typeDid you know there is proof for the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ?  We even know his blood type, from the cloth wrapped around his head. 

The cloth, called the ‘Sudarium’ is kept in a Cathedral in Oviedo, Spain.   And here’s something from the evidence room:  The blood stains match those on the Turin shroud. 

Also, blood tests done on both the Sudarium and the Shroud confirmed that the blood stains on both cloths were of the same blood type: AB.

AB blood is extremely rare.  You may not know, but there is a special need for this blood.  AB Plasma is universal and can be used for all patients regardless of their blood type.

In Exodus 12:13 which speaks of the Passover lamb, it says “The blood shall be a sign for you.”  Not only is the lamb’s blood a sign, Christ’s blood speaks a better word than that of Abel, the first man to die.  Abel’s blood called out from the ground.  This blood calls out from the word.

The night before he died, Christ said “For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.  Matthew 26:28

Do you need the universal, life-saving AB blood of this man who was crucified at Passover?
For those who demand evidence, I hope this humble blog post points you to the truth.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).
Happy Easter.
And there are three that bear witness on earth: 
the Spirit, the water, and the blood; 
and these three agree as one.
i John 5:7

Turin Shroud Stained With Blood Of Man Tortured And Killed, New Research

Did Jesus leave us a photo?

If you would like to see what Jesus looks like from a 3D image of the shroud, here he is; The Real Face Of Jesus Revealed – ABC News

The artifact, world’s first negative

Dame Isabel Piczek, a particle physicist who also studied the shroud said :  “The resurrection itself belongs to the spiritual world and I don’t think it’s the business of physics to talk about it, however … the shroud itself, and what made the image, leads us to a mysterious gate … which opens for us and lets us see a completely different world, an extraordinary world with extraordinary laws …

The body was hovering between the two sides of the shroud, meaning there was absolutely no gravity.   Also, the shroud was made absolutely taut, rigidly taut.

Everyone thinks the shroud and tomb represents death.  Not at all.  The shroud and the tomb signifies an unbelievable beginning … because in the depth of the collapsed event horizon there is something which science knows as “singularity.”  This is exactly what started the universe in the “Big Bang.”


The Shroud of Turin, Authenticated Again,

Read more at:

Learn About the Power of AB Negative Blood
Why is AB negative the rarest blood type?