Strange and Creepy Voice heard during Queen’s Funeral procession

I always keep an eye out for the strange and unusual and signs accompanying events. This incident is from the Queen’s funeral five days ago. It’s still unexplained. It happened as the funeral procession was being filmed from a helicopter.

In the short 21 second video, ITV News zooms into the state hearse which is transporting the Queen’s coffin from above.

“As you can see here in London it is a lovely day as the hearse heads out into West London,” a male newsreader says.

The clip was filmed just after the Queen’s procession, which ended at Wellington Arch, and sees Her Majesty being taken to Windsor to be laid to rest.

At the start of the video, an ominous voice can be heard whispering “the death is irreversible,” in a really creepy tone.

The female voice continues to say “and the fact that,” but she trails off and it’s difficult to hear what she says next before everything goes silent.

Source: HITC: Mystery voice says ‘the death is irreversible’ in creepy Queen’s funeral clip

It freaked people on Twitter out. Some wondered if the spooky voice was Diana. I believe there’s probably a rational explanation for it, but ITV News aren’t saying how it got on their feed from the news helicopter.

The English woman’s voice is stating the obvious, death is irreversible – unless we’re talking about Jesus. He reversed it in a way that we are still celebrating over 2000 years later.

In her Christmas message, the Queen always spoke of her faith in Him.

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:22

If the Queen’s faith was genuine, she did not need to fear death. The death of the monarchy perhaps – but not her own death.

Queen reveals the secret of her enduring Christian faith as she shares treasured memory of her beloved father in new book.


Mystery voice says ‘the death is irreversible’ in creepy Queen’s funeral clip

Viewers spooked after creepy moment caught during live coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral

The last Christian Queen?


  1. Yeah that’s weird Jo. I must say I’m so “over” the media saturation regarding Lizzie’s passing that I never watched any of this coverage, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. I love anything creepy and mysterious!

    1. Thanks Martin. I watched the funeral because I liked “Aunty Liz,” but I didn’t think NZ should have had a day off to commemorate her – employers have been hammered enough these past two years.
      Yeah the strange and unusual always captures my attention and I’m glad you found it interesting 🙂
      Have a great week,

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